[TEI] Epsilon Gate: Goliath surprise pack - Explanation

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MadChèmist., Apr 29, 2016.

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  1. krull69

    krull69 User

    really its like i opened a booty key in gate :( worthless
    WiccaDio likes this.
  2. 17 time in a row EPSILON finished still no Surgeon,rude and no coment
  3. _Minon_

    _Minon_ User

    Epsilon Gate completed.
    You received 20000 UCB-100 laser ammo.
    You received 10 log-disks.
    You received 5 green booty key(s).
    Part received for the Kronos Gate.
    You received 1 Surgeon.
    You received 5,000,000 EP.
    You received 150000 honor points.
    You received 25,000 Uridium.
  4. [​IMG]Received item: Ship Design - Surgeon
    4th epsilon thank god !!! I was starting to lose hope
  5. Im glad DO decided to throw in some ee at least
    WiccaDio likes this.
  6. 9 epsilons and 800k later still chasing the surgeon lmao. cmom bp play fair u noobs
  7. bd33

    bd33 User

    6 epsilon
    You received 1 Sovereign....Centaur.....nothing.....Peacemaker......lf4.....nothing

    a good reason so play another game.......
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  8. AkAKuzuki

    AkAKuzuki User

    01.05.2016 - 18:28[​IMG]5 green booty key(s) collected.
    01.05.2016 - 18:28[​IMG]Epsilon Gate completed
    01.05.2016 - 18:28[​IMG]Received item: Ship Design - Surgeon
    01.05.2016 - 18:28[​IMG]Received item: Laser - LF-4
    01.05.2016 - 18:28[​IMG]10 log-disks collected.
    01.05.2016 - 18:28[​IMG]You received 150000 honor.
    01.05.2016 - 18:28[​IMG]You received 5000000 EP.
    4 times trying i was really disappointed after third gate and then i yolo it,i spend all of my uri on it, i had like 5k uri left,i have it now wish you guys luck on few hours left available.
  9. what server u play on?
  10. AkAKuzuki

    AkAKuzuki User

    I play on GE1 (Global Europa)
  11. For the love of all things fair, thats the tenth epsi ive done without the surgeono_Ogot the centaur from yonks ago got the peacemaker the vanquish the sovereign got the lf4 got the lot...all except surgeon...now im happy to wait till crafting as there is no way on this earth i will spend again:cool::cool: make love not war peace bros out
    Last edited: May 1, 2016

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you all for you input on to this thread.

    I am sorry for those who did not recieve what they were hoping for and congrats to those who did get some cool stuff.
    Have a wonderful day all and enjoy your game.
  13. wierd... the first post u posted said 1 epsilon 1 surgeon...
  14. bd33

    bd33 User

    yea i updated as i went
  15. 8 gates and nothing ...

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you for your input on this thread,

    Does the OP have any further questions on this topic?
    Have a nice day
  17. When were the 8 gates done, since you posted this a week after the event happened? This was a special reward and not an ongoing added reward.

    ASTRAEA User


    The Post previously reads:

    Does the OP have any further questions on this topic?

    Of which you are not. I would Kindly ask that you attempt to refrain yourself from making comment on every single post within forums. It appears to be an attempt to boost your post count.

    If you would like to assist the forums, Please apply to be a moderator.
    Then I wont have to go behind you deleting you NOT the OP Posts.

    Does the OP (Original Poster) for this thread have any further questions.

    Thank you and have a Nice day
  19. you can close
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