[TEI] Eternal Gate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by 666THEDEVILISH666, Apr 9, 2020.

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  1. Event quests not showing, Assembly not working and not showing how many keys i have ?
  2. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello @666THEDEVILISH666

    Please Contact support

    And please give me your user id

    Regards Rogue
  3. I have the same problem

    user id:
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  4. DrNapast

    DrNapast User


    User id:
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  5. evve1

    evve1 User


    User id: 166397564
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  6. Dragonxs

    Dragonxs User

    user id 170324337
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  7. Freakz1

    Freakz1 User

    User ID 168534018 , same here :( and i saved up for upgrade hour today in 2 hours.. assembly not working

    Thank you :D

    User ID 168534018, i died in the eternal gate and again assembly its not working, or the objectives, can you fix it again please ?
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 18, 2020
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  8. o so much lag in gate i pop i work hard to go wave 82 and pop 2 time :( give me back the waves you say you fix it ya right it not look like a fix no browse work o ya and you give just 2 life y not 5 like in all gates
    S.Λ.J. and Mod-Rogue like this.
  9. i got the same issue with the event quests,assembly,etc not showing up. Please fix this :) User id is 39807224
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  10. User ID 163992068,i dont received uridium after eternal gate!
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  11. evansnow

    evansnow User

    user id: 88302847 i did over a 100 waves in gate and no AI's dropped byte remnants, still shows 0 in battle pass.
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  12. It works for me now
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  13. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello all

    Do you still have this issue after the Several Server Restart yesterday ? :)

    Regards Rogue
  14. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello pilots

    after the sync today the problem got fixed :)

    thank you for reporting it :)

    I will let the Thread stay open if more issue will come up

    Regards Rogue
  15. user id 28969099 yes i do lost internet in gate eternal or lag out and get pop x2 so do it over and over still it do it today to so how can i do it use up ammo,rockets , pet fuel , uri all for what a big fat 0 and again assembly its not working, or the objectives, out of gate so i go to build gate i pay 105,xxx uri for delta one time next time for delta 115,xxx got 118/128 today i have premium and rebate its lots for the gate ty for now o and cant jump port to go to maps need 5,10 ,15 min or log out , log back in
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  16. Excellion

    Excellion User

    Hello i did the gate 3 times me too but i received the byte remants only the two
    In the first time i reahced in wave 141 but i didnt received any byte remants my id is : 161206871
  17. AVIT

    AVIT User

    err rogoe ..no m8 the issue is not fixed .. contacts does not wor ,,obectives and gate tabs are not working
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  18. omegalul

    omegalul User

    At GE1 Eternal Gate is everyday unplayable between 1pm to midnight due to server lagging, desyncing and constantly disconnecting. The gate is just unplayable in high waves
  19. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    ive done 2 eternal gates one 125 and the other 123 i only started to get bytres in the last 17 waves of second gate so i cant complete the objectives and in turn complete the lot not been able to get emma ammo so cant complete even more objectivesbut apart from that lags been more problematic today sunday than any other
  20. same-- the system owes me bytes remnant...:confused:
    -zombiedude- likes this.
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