[TEI] Eternal Gate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by 666THEDEVILISH666, Apr 9, 2020.

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  1. evve1

    evve1 User

    Same here as above, yes almost everything stops working, boosters do not work, rocket launchers work as they want and some waves do not at all, delay and lag.
    Morning worked pretty well :) Please fix before the event ends = D
    Eightball likes this.
  2. -ЩarΛnt-

    -ЩarΛnt- User

    Got through wave 210 with some trouble, but I got it.
    Then I died in wave 228 because of lag.
    A wave that should normally give me no issues.

    First I'm dragging the demolition getting no hits. All of a sudden, they freeze, I pop.
    Not funny.
    Eightball likes this.
  3. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    I know the feeling. Got killed on wave 184 the same way. Could have easily made it beyond 200.
  4. I don't normally complain but this event "External Gate" has been a joke the lag is bad enough but for the last few days none of the sub menu buttons work and the time wasted waiting to play is extremely costly when running full boosters, I am spending more time off the game due to the mentioned problems, if the Tech's cannot rectify then employ a team that can.

    As for completing the objectives has become not possible due to not getting the bytes on death. last 3 deaths at level's 200-220 and nothing.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  5. AVIT

    AVIT User

    i can only try play eternal at weekend ,and every weekend its all just lag ..does not seem fair to me
  6. lag, lag, lag
    Eightball likes this.
  7. evve1

    evve1 User

    Don't know but how does the collaboration between different teams keep the game going? But doesn't seem to work that well.
    Events and all things are appreciated by different players, but it fails throughout the course when it constantly works as badly as it does. It is so sad that it is so. Not only does it affect the event but draws in the rest of the game when it is not up to date and the rocket launcher stops working, will not enter assembly or see your development in the event, etc. Come on now DarkO! :)

    ( sorry for bad english)
    Eightball and I-BOT-KILLER like this.
  8. Would you guys please just block all the external program users so we can play this event without all this lag and crashing!!! It's almost impossible to play anymore and I'm about to just say screw this nonsense......
  9. This event is complete garbage. I have npc hitting me from one side of the map to another and dying from unknown sources. Complete trash, like everything bigpoint does.
    ZÿИΛPS™ likes this.
  10. There are enough posts here that tell u how to fight them. If you let the singularity run to a corner it's kinda your own fault if you die.

    Dying from unknown surces has neer happened to me but i guess that its due to lags/server issues
    COWBOY·FROM·HELL likes this.
  11. First of all i am not talking about the singularity but about the bombs they throw. Secondly yeah there is immense lag and the npcs move fast enough to go to the corner and hit me from far away while i am inside a circle of bombs and cant move or else i will die but also cant repair because bombs are being thrown at me. So good.
  12. You have to die 2 times before you receive byte remnants
    COWBOY·FROM·HELL likes this.
  13. Ohh so you were talking about the demolition cyborg.
    You don't have to worry about those mines or these"blobs/bombs" that they put onto you, those only do % DMG to you current HP (not the max HP) so no matter how much hp you have you don't die if they explode.
    If you currently have 1 million HP they do quite a bit (around 300k I think was it) but if you currently only have 10k HP they only do like 2k DMG
    And both the mines aswell as the bombs can be canceled with insant-shield. EMP works for the bombs on your ship aswell.

    As for the healing, if you don't use the Solace ship, you should try it, it makes everything quite easy.
    Any other healing-ship can be used aswell but thanks to the 15% NPC-DMG module the Solace has the same dmg as the Cyborg (in PVE!) and has a really good heal with only 45 sec cooldown (with 50% cooldown boost form the shop) which can be lowered even more if you get lucky with cooldown boosts from the gate itself.
  14. kitty66

    kitty66 User

    to cover the lag i say they keep it on for another week
  15. There is no point in extending the Event as long as the Server issues are not fixed. Extending the Event while having these issues doesnt magically makes it possible to play the gate.

    I would much rather have the team fix these issues first and afterwards do a rerun of the event for 1 week.
  16. AVIT

    AVIT User

    the server issues are apparently because more people are playing due to the pandemic (at least this is what support told me) i am simply pointing out that the time i can play this event is on an evening when im tired after work or on a weekend when i chill ,,those are the times when the lag is at its worst ! . was just asking for abit of catch up time and understanding thats all .
  17. You know the demolition cyborgs will drop a ring of bombs, so dont get inside the ring. Its not rocket science and if the NPCs are to fast then it is because you dont have enough speed gens on your ship. I do almost the entire gate up to wave 206 in suicide config. The only time I'm not in suicide is the waves that start with strueners or pheonix I use drill with a shield config and kami. There are detailed instructions to do the eternal gate here in forums, read up and try what works for others.
  18. I'm suprised you use a shield config for those ^^ I used suicide all the way up to 374 and never changed it, shield was never necessary especially for the waves u mentioned cuz they all die 1-2shot and in the beginning the dmg is so low u can kami them without shield
  19. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Closing as event is over

    thank you all for reporting it

    Regards Rogue
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