[TEI] Missing boxes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by PuckerUp, Sep 12, 2016.

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  1. PuckerUp

    PuckerUp User

    logged in today and was looking for event boxes and did not find any so thought
    they weren't on then in chat someone mentioned that they were boxes in 3d mode
    so tried that out and tada event boxes as 3d makes things to slow for me I again went
    back to 2d and still could see the boxes. it may be worth trying it in 3d if having
    same or similar problems . Good Luck
  2. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello PuckerUp,

    Thank you for posting this in case others run into the same problem. This has been reported and hopefully there will be a fix released soon so everyone using 2D can see the boxes as well.

    Do you, the original poster, have anything further or may we close the thread?
