Test Server 3-13-2017

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by PSK~SUNDANCE, Mar 13, 2017.

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  1. Its just +10% damage :)
  2. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    I had same result. On the maps flying it is 552. But it should be like vengeance.
    I think it is a bit of confusion, just because the stats were not final. and can change.

    soon we all gonna find out. 23rd of march
    •»Radiance«• likes this.
  3. Yep, hopefully they won't bugged them. XD
  4. KiritOo47

    KiritOo47 User

    Yeah my bad.:p
    •»Radiance«• likes this.
  5. batata

    batata User

    All that abilitys are boring!!!!
    I whant this:

    (min 1:29)
    were is it??!!!!!
  6. It may work like that for a few people, but I did try with all three ships, using full 7900 speed gens and Promerium. The new ships did not break over the 500 barrier, even when the abilities were being used.
  7. Marksman

    Marksman User

    I think the cooldown of cyborg ability should be reduced.

    That ability should definitely be added to mimesis :)
  8. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    Well. Maybe you did not have all Engines on or something. As they all fly faster than 500 lol

    Hammerclaw 528, Cyborg 552, And mimesis I think 528 too (with scrambler skill 660).

    It should be posted somewhere.
    dimanddistantMMO likes this.
  9. 5 minutes for skill and very big cooldown?Reduced for 1 munute or 60 seconds,too reduced cooldown skill the Citadel(Fortify),and Spearhead(Recon),Sentinel,or alternate on or off.
    Cargo first 1.500/3000 this few increase for 6.000 Cargo first
    And how much lf4 news?The players what not noticing,what lf4(+0,5%) de hp booster to have invert shield(-15%) per lasers(+10%) in vants?
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
  10. Tried all three of the new ships and decided that the Hammerclaw and Cyborg are just Aegis and Venom with a few tweaks, certainly not enough of a difference to go shouting about. The last one was the Mimesis and I was really impressed. As a player that only puts in a few hours a week, is nowhere near or ever likely to be UFE, the one thing that reallly bugs me is the UFE that tries to pop me. When I've been ambushed I really want to be somewhere else, very quickly, and the mimsy did exactly that, a few times. The Lightning that I currently drive is now redundant. I know that DO is a PVP game, but it shouldn't be made compulsory for everyone and the mimsy gives cannon fodder like me a good chance of getting away.
    •»Radiance«• likes this.
  11. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    Agree with you completely.
    I do have best ships in game and best gear. But I am considering Mimesis. Just for that reason. If I am flying SOLO and am ambushed by few strong players. Can instantly avoid the Fight using its skill. And then after I am teleported. I used Scrambler to run back to safe place. As it does give 25% speed boost while shields are running down.

    On normal sized maps Mimesis is definitely good.
    dimanddistantMMO likes this.
  12. im just saying as a new member i am not enjoying replacing my drones repeatedly, and if anything this will be the single handed reason for my departure. u shouldn't take stuff away that people have earned this stuff takes time to get and if u don't have the required amount of uridium to repair your drones if you notice the damage in time then you end up having to repurchase something that you have already purchased. i have lost two drones so far one was an iris and the other was a flax. on niether case did i retain the shields or guns that were equipped to these drones. they were taken from my posession as well and I am sorely disappointed. if you are going to take back your drones when they recieve 100% damage then you should take back your ships too when they get destroyed. Any older player of the game may sit in your home base and repeatedly destoy your ship to the point where all of your drones recieve 100% damage, this is totally unfair. if this doesn't discontinue i will find another game.

    also in addition to that any older player can sit in your home base and destroy you repeatedly and damage all of your drones to the point where you no longer have any. and they can just keep doing this untll a majority of enemy company ships have no drones. this is totally unfair.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 19, 2017
  13. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    I really think you are not very smart then with ways you play.
    To loose drones repeatedly is really ridiculous statement.

    Not to have uri for their repair is even more ridiculous. It is really not that expensive.

    I think if you are not able to get uri needed for that. Then you just do not belong in this game. Sorry to be so Brutally honest. But you do not belong in DO. This game requires Millions or Uridium. And you are not able to get few thousand???

    I have tried to play with a noob account for few days. To see how bad or good is it.

    I got nearly 100k uri in 4 days. So really not sure of how so bad you can be.

    dimanddistantMMO likes this.
  14. =Richie=

    =Richie= User

    Please spend money on these new ships, come on BP sort the dead game out instead of bringing new ships in to lure people to spend real money on a dead game
    PuckerUp likes this.
  15. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    So funny. `You are saying dead game??? Why are you still here on the forums??? Do you still play and care for it.

    Just quit then. Dead game :)
    dimanddistantMMO likes this.
  16. I didn't use the ships personally but my surgeon will do just fine.
  17. I am hoping there is a reason as you stated. Not only were they not flying that fast, even with all 7900 on ship and Promerium used, the speed seemed slow and the listed speed factor on screen never went over 500 and both configs were tested on all 3 ships. Oh well, once someone manages to collect all needed parts, maybe the crafted ship will be okay.

    Other than the speed issue, I liked the ships.
  18. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    Maybe the speed issue was just on the Test Server???

    I am not sure. And as stated by DO developers. Some thing might change for release depending on our feedback.

    So we will see. But I do not think that any of them should be slower than Citadel.
    dimanddistantMMO likes this.
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