test server auction

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by plaku, Feb 19, 2014.

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  1. plaku

    plaku User

    Guys did u test the new auction, did u see the new items ?

    Me personally i am very dissapointed I was hoping we were getting something as advertised all uri items on auction.
    Well dont expect much just ship designs and CBS modules are on auction nothing else. No apis or zeus drones , pet protocols or pet gears. No elite ammo rsb or emp
    and of course no lf4 we knew this already.
    So not much for people who already have all design ships
    Oracle likes this.
  2. Wow, to say i've wasted my time earning more credits just for this new auction. Thought they'd atleast put the new drones on their too...or perhaps a few pet protocals - deeply dissapointed. But this is b.p we're dealing with, so we shouldn't be surprised ;).lol Oh well, more boosters for me i guess :D.

    Anyway, when did the test servers open?
  3. plaku

    plaku User

    I know but still, i had high hopes since they kept on saying they wanted to put all uri items, why didnt they put cool down booster for instance they should have , or any other thing that is now bough with uridium. i hope they can put these items
  4. The only thing that I did like about it was the ability to see only certain items like boosters or extras instead of the whole list.
    I know I paid for a couple designs and would not mind if they was added on like a random basis.
    According to the description other stuff will be added in for certain events.

    As per the latest news ,,

    · There are now three different types of auctions. NOTE: On the test server “one hour” lasts 5 real minutes, “a day” is 15 minutes long and “a week” lasts one hour in real time. When the feature goes live the auctions run in real time.

    o Hourly auctions offer common premium items

    o Daily auction include uncommon premium items. These start at 0:00h local server time (LST) and run for 24 hours.

    o Weekly auctions – here you can purchase rare premium (Uridium) items. Such auctions start on Monday at 0:00h LST and end on Sunday 23:59:59h LST.
  5. It ist still on the test-servers, not yet on the live-instances, so still time for changes.... So keep on begging that the nice BP-guys also add:
    - cooldown booster
    - pet-stuff
    - hangar halls
    - drone designs
    - booty-keys
    - Put LF4 in an weekly auction won´t also harm... That´s just 52 LF4´s in 1 year so...

    So far the new auction system looks great!

  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    They wanted to put LF-4 on weekly auctions but they asked for feedback on the old forums on people's opinion on this.
    The majority cried about it and were more concerned with the fact they had paid uridium for their own ships rather than making it easier for other people to get to the same stage as themselves. Was pretty selfish of those players but DO just went with the majority opinion so that's why it's not going in.

    Apart from that I think the auction is looking ok at the moment, P.E.T gear / protocols along with some booty keys would be nice if they were added.
  7. And maybe they could bang in the Zeus & Apis drones.
  8. I can only imagine the bid for a Zeus. I am not sure about other servers but GA2 the Iris alone averages 150-250 million.
    I know some people out there get that lucky bid in from time to time though.:cool:
  9. Another idea about Apis and Zeus would be...
    What about to put in only the parts for auction. 45 Parts are needed to get a complete Apis or Zeus. So if it comes into the weekly auction it would be just 1 "free" Apis / Iris every year - really not much, but at least it keeps the "illusion" of a free game LOL
    plaku and ROULOUS___HELLAS like this.
  10. plaku

    plaku User

    good thinking puting pieces would be still hard to win the whole drone but still nice to progress little by lilttle , myself have both of them but i would like other people to have them and have more good fights