Testing: Ship Customization

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, May 11, 2016.

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  1. I still cannot even log in, looks like another thing I can't test till it's out Live.
    Silviu likes this.
  2. KrisKelvin

    KrisKelvin User Team DarkOrbit

    Thanks for that, now I have an idea :) Could it be that you had to scroll down to see Pusat? Because all the owned ships are sorted alphabetically, so pusat might be just 1-2 rows lower.
  3. no problem:), I went through the list with a fine comb and unfortunately it was not there, I checked each and every line, if you look at my screen shot 2 of the list where it should be alphabetically you can see Nostramo, Phoenix, Piranha, Solace, etc.
    very strange:confused:
    KrisKelvin likes this.
  4. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    Login was so easy this time round did not have any issues with loading the game page, I could not detect any major lag problems and the game was very fluid and GG's did not lag out or freeze up. All my equipment was there from the last ship customization test and adding new equipment was easy and no issues. I could not get the transfer button to work and kept getting the unknown error message as often happens on the live server. The icons for the vengance class ships are still showing as spearheds and could lead to some confusion. One issue I did find was that drones will not level up after doing lambda gate drone levels were still the same and the points to next level had not changed, I tried logging out cache clean reboot and so on and drone leveling was not working.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
    KrisKelvin likes this.
  5. This new hanger system is going to be worse then what it is now. Instead of being able to switch designs from the drop down menu which we have now, we have to transfer equipment from one design to another. So its the same results but the other way around. As long as the designs have the same number of slots. So in fact it will make it worse when changing into the surgeon from another goli design or vis visa. Also it will have no effect on changing into another ship, we will have to delete the configs and transfer them manually. So my question is, what is the point to this update?

    Also some people have used uri to buy extra hangers, have they wasted their money?

    Why not just leave the hangers as they are and give us the ability to load and save configs. We can delete configs, give us a drop down menu that gives the option to load or save them as well. So if someone has set up their configs for example doing gates, they can save this config and name it gates then when they need the gate configs all they would need to do is firstly delete the current configs then be able to load the gate configs, it will save so much time and effect, and probably less work for the DEV team.
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
  6. There is something called "Favorite Hangars" which we have not seen yet and is supposed to address this issue. From what I can speculate, these hangars are set with certain equipment and configs and any ship placed in these hangars are automatically equipped with the configs of that hangar, difference being the Surgeon would have on extra generator to be equipped or you may have to change one for speed or shield if it was set as a Surgeon Favorite with mixed generators and placed another ship in there. But again the only place we have seen anything about this is in the post by Okapi32.
  7. wow another update bp must be going skint lol...sounds like a reciepe for disaster! or just more lag :eek:
  8. This one was supposed to happen before the A.S. but had so many problems and issues they have held off on it but seem to be pushing it on through now. And YES it is going to be a MAJOR adjustment and BUG state when they do implement it, moving the Hangar into the In-Game arena and off the Back Page.
  9. The new hanger system was on today's twitch feed and it is nothing like what you have said. There are no favorite hanger options. It is exactly what I mentioned, if this new hanger system goes live it will not in any way, shape or form help with the equipping of ships. In fact it will take longer to swap equipment from one ship to another. It will only help when switching equipment from one design to another design of the same type of ship except for the surgeon design.

    We can already switch designs of a ship without any issues including the surgeon. So why do we need this up date that does less than what we have at the moment?:confused::confused::confused:

    All they need to do is to leave the hangers as they are and give us the ability to delete, load and save our own configs.

    They are not moving the hanger to the in-game area now they have changed it again. I think you will need to watch today's twitch feed. I have also tested the new hanger system on the test server.
    Last edited by moderator: May 19, 2016
  10. I skipped this latest test as the last time I logged into the test server I was locked out of the game for 10 hours as the server switch sent me back to the login page and would not allow me to login as it did to several people that day.
  11. That has happened to me also. When you are sent back to the log in page you will need to change the information in the address bar from "test" to the initials of your server and that should allow you to log back in.
  12. Yeah, I tried that the entire time I was waiting for SUPPORT to redirect me to my normal servers. I tried both us2 and us3 and always returned to test ending with "calmdown".
  13. Sorry to hear that, it took me a good few attempts before it let me back in.
  14. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    I actually like the new update. UFE's spend more on cosmetics this way because cosmetic variations will be switchable in the same way power designs are now. When UFE spend more on cosmetics then those ufes become happy with their new looks( otherwise they would not buy) and free players deal with less power problems. Besides most people are either just stay in enforcer or aegis elite. Very little ship swapping needs to happen because people develop favorite ships that are used all the time.
  15. I think you have completely missed the point to how bad this up date is, please read post number 25. If you need a more detailed explanation I will try and give you one.
  16. With ALL the problems associated with the "assembly Event", that have not been resolved, why would you consider another launch?
    Feedback was requested on test of assembly and seems to have been totally ignored, as it has been the most ridiculous launch I have seen in 5 years of playing. AND it is not fixed.
    I know the game needs to grow, butt fix what is broken first.
    This is my humble opinion.
    OrbitGuru and -uberpaul- like this.
  17. This thread is for feedback on the new hanger and ship customization. If you want the assembly thread please follow this link.
  18. KEY WORDS :
    "why would you consider another launch?"
    And who died and made you sheriff, lol................
  19. You forgot the feedback on Kuiper Gate or even the OA where they said they KNEW THERE WERE PROBLEMS and may need to push the launch out another week, yet they launched with all the problems existing. The issues we are seeing are from the Visual Update of April 1st that was also this years JOKE, and they never fixed those issues, thus got compounded by the A.S. Launch. The "Equipment in Game" Launch is being pushed thru even though RickDeckard has stated there was going to be a learning curve come with this LAUNCH, and they needed to get better information out on these changes (I have not seen anything, has anyone else?). So as far as PUSHING another MAJOR change into the game without fixing what is already messed up might be the final nail to the coffin that BigPoint has been building for D O since the inception of the "Elusive LF-4". Making all of the designs into ships just to separate the SKINS from the actual STAT designs is not the way to improve the game or experience. They made a separation to the DRONE designs why not do the same thing with the customization designs for the ships? Instead of making them ships have a drop down menu on the main ship page for the STAT/SHIP designs and on the Equipment page have the Customization/SKIN designs that can be applied.

    Continuing with Updates/Upgrades to the system has always been the priority of BigPoint and correcting issues caused has always taken a back seat to PROGRESS, the old timers can remember the A I change of 2011 when you were attacked by NPC's that were not even on your screen and you were still taking damage from them when you were being told you were out of range, the list of glitches was a mile long then and that has not changed in 5 years, why should we expect anything different now?
  20. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    yeah explain how I misunderstood you.
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