Thanksgiving Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Nov 23, 2023.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Thanksgiving Event. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. Event is supposed to last until 30.11 but you cant do the thanksgiving achievements ''transform x amount of players with wiz rockets'' anymore, you could only do it on thansgiving day.
    1 day for up to 1000 transforms is way too little time and now I have to wait to next year to do it.
  3. What happened to to the Turkey bonus boxes. I logged on early and received a few orange dots that had special items in them. Then we endured server attacks and couldn't get on the game. Later in the day, we could get on the game, but no Turkeys, no Orange dots, no nothing. --What event??? --Going until 11-30-2023 ???
    What gives, BP and DO ??? ----What happened, no explanation, no nothing in spiffs, no "we're sorry, here's some goodies for the trouble" ???. I was really looking forward to all the great stuff including the Wiz rockets and then .............fizzle.
  4. Thanksgiving boxes were only on maps during thanksgiving 23.11
  5. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    What event! couldn't get on again do to whatever. still waiting to compensated for the lost in the first one. what ou gave us didn't compensate for what was lost. like the cost of a season pass, couldn't finish it do your error not mine.
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  6. Its kind of like the battle pass.
    Not really there to do.
    Date/time incorrect and seems to not be here the next day.
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  7. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    whats the point of events when we keep losing connection and then not able to log on play page ,everyday not a one time thing but every day
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