The Beginning of the Orbit

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ψβΙδ☣ΗαΖαRDψ, Jul 16, 2014.

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  1. Chapter One:

    In the year of 2345 Earth Had with withstood another attack from Alien races.
    In that year there was a conference held to see who would form the back bone Earth and to represent earth amongst the stars. The company that was created the same year almost Military in function. Its Name was EIC: Earth Industries Corporation. EIC took the flag and the host of protecting Earth amongst all nations, but soon there was a rift in humanity and the international community on Earth.

    Earth was attack by a more powerful race of alien than it has ever known, The
    <=< Kucurbium >=>, only a single Kucurbium moved in from deep space its power was unmatched by any Pilots skills. Soon it left, but just short of destroying Earth.
    People began to soon ask themselves after that even, Can the EIC really protect Us? Can We trust them? Is Earth even safe Anymore? EIC saved face by Firing and arresting the CEO: Rob Lincaster, his parting words were "Humanity is Damned to be doomed for ever in war". Most ignored these words, but those who took it to heart, began to cause unrest.

    After the kucurbium attack there was massive rift in the politics of EIC and Earth its self. Politicians began to fight with one another countries began to withdraw aid.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2014
    jackknife likes this.
  2. Chapter Two:
    The Countries began to withdraw aid EIC once saved face again by appointing a female CEO Shinski Yokahama, very little was known about her other than she was beyond a genius and that she was from the remainders of what was Japan. Once this was done there was still Unrest and a large pull for donations was made, what for? certain countries sponsored what was called Project Marshian Flag. In short an outpost an colony was Established on the Red Planet Mars. Its main economy was mining resources. For a while the colony on Mars functioned by itself governed from Earth but mostly left alone. It did well very well in fact job conditions slowly became better on mars than on earth. The EIC could not have this for if to many people relocated it would eventually cause war, civil war.
    jackknife likes this.
  3. good one bio least all that energy you use to talk in game is put to good use here hahah.
  4. Chapter 3

    The EIC began to force policy's on Mars colony some saw the need other felt oppressed. Of course the time came when the Mars colony began to self sustain. People were born there and felt more ties to Mars then EIC this is were it began.
    Policy after policy was enforced unrest and talk of separation began. The leader of the colony voiced his dire concerns time and time again, but the it happend and only one man was blamed. Colonel Ustin von gamma sent a patrol fleet to the Mars Colony and had it stationed there. Rebels seized the EIC's newest battle cruiser, The Goliath. The Dye was cast so the saying goes and from there war was started.
    CptCooter™ likes this.
  5. Chapter 4:

    The Civil Once began it was heated soon both side began making temporary Alliances with alien races, Mars with the Cubikon, and Earth with the Kristallons. After 6 years of civil war both planets populations were tired of the taxing war. EIC was once again under fire for not bringing a swift end. Mars was beginning to falter. War atrocities came into light. Mass graves of civilians and children lay in pools of waste and toxic debris lay strewn across the land scape.

    Earth and EIC began to seek an end war and Mars was glad to have it although they hated the very knowledge that both would have to make compromises. Soon Mars was allowed to govern itself and it was given full power and a very small Territory to start off with, as for EIC it was glad it was able to save face once again, After all it is technically still a company and in the eyes of earthlings it can be replaced.

    The Leaders Of Mars colony renamed them selves the The Stellar Foundation of Martian planets. It was took awhile for the UNN to finally accept this arrangement, but at last it was done. Mars now needed to form its own body of protection and the MMO was created. Military in function like the EIC but based of a governing style of the Ancients, MMO was like a government run company, while EIC was more privately run.

    This Allowed the MMO to be more precise and less secretive while also being more secretive. It also is what allowed old hatred to flame within the company. The ones from Earth and the ones from Mars hated each other with a menace, and the companies now that they were in competition against one another loath each other with such malice only God himself could put an end to it. There was peace for over 500 years while these two planets danced around the Sun. Soon tensions would flare and begin a new story across the solar system, was Rob Lincaster correct on saying Humanity was damned? The CEO Shinski wonderd if she had taken a doomed position as she pondered this very question. She would soon regret the existence of her own skills.
  6. Ooolala :)

    Always nice to see some fan fiction :D

    Nice work here.
  7. Chapter 5

    The MMO and the EIC were at peace although it was barely manageable at best. So for about 500 years the took companies and planets co existed in a somewhat peaceful orbit. Business with the aliens, remand just that - business. The EIC was having trouble comprehending the power of the <=< Kucurbium >=>[​IMG] although they received new battle cruisers known as the Goliath. they did not think with current weapons even it could stand up to the alien race. It was during an annual conference meeting of Humanity, of course this included representatives from Mars. While the debate was on going politics was in full flame. Insults or at least not outright were being thrown across the room. Yokahama, Shinksi CEO of The EIC was currently at a loss of words and was not much help in calming the fire storm she was about to dismiss the meeting earlier than expected when an MMO baron slapped a Chief Colonel from the EIC. It might seem petty that even now humanity rages over such small things but it threw old hatred into over drive. It began another war, this time one of politics.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
  8. Chapter 6:
    That EIC colonel for mentioned had a lot of power and backings in MMO. You see the MMO in desperate need of a fast government system also decided in making the company more government owned, also to apply the aristocracy style of some of the ancients as well. This helped non MMO factions obtain some power in MMO dealings.

    The Colonel began to set a fire storm of issue in MMO closing back doors opening and having other assassinated. Throwing MMO of their toes and even causing the loss of 398 MMO pilots. Soon it was found out who pulled the strings of the puppets, and the Colonel was told to appear before the MMO, yet who would not for he was EIC. Tensions rose and the sound of war was heard. EIC and MMO for the next two years would fight in small scale skirmishes just shirt of war. Shinski the CEO of EIC began talks with the newest Prime Minister of the MMO. His name was Makar Nikolay (Макар, Николай in russian).

    After long sessions of talk a deal was finally reached EIC would pay a sum of 30 billion credits and over 41 million of Uridium worth more than MMO gross domestic product for 200 years.

    The deal although reach help impact MMO hard while fanning flames in EIC. There was those in MMO who wanted war and when they did not get it they became terrorist terrorizing those in Mars from space Piracy and worse crimes.

    Soon a Army was formed from this descenders in the MMO war was started it ended in 2 months. The terrorist leader was executed. MMO had no room for a mass prison so plans to build one were hastily drawn.
  9. Chapter 7:

    The expedition to Venus was successful [​IMG] and soon the prison was built but is was a nightmare. Things broke and other were always faulty and to make matters worse the MMO and the EIC agreed to cooperate to control the prison and manage it. There was more than just "Red Tape" to cut in the formation of these plans not to mention tensions between MMO and EIC have not yet been solved.

    Soon MMO and EIC alliance fell through and EIC was once again at war with the MMO.

    [​IMG] VS. [​IMG]

    It begun for the next 2 years EIC and the MMO would battle it out aces from both companies would kill each other with the best of abilities. Only difference for this war is there would be a third faction for humanity.....