The old way to bid

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ШØŁfPΛÇĶŠ~Я£V£ŇGέ, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. Couldn't agree with you more i think leave the auction system as it is!! Also i think that they shouldn't add anything more to the auction like some of the more elite items to auction because everything on the auction system is fine and nothing needs to be changed. I also like it because i have bided over 50 mill sometimes on boosters and haven't won them and i get to have the credits back and that seems fair. Also it seems like a normal auction at an auction house because if you loose the item they wouldn't take the money that you offered but they would give it back to you if you lost the auction.
  2. lol haters gonna hate
  3. I agree also not agree ;

    Yes , it's hard to get anything on auction now. I'm trying to get S0-2 now but nubs giving a bid to EVERYTHING because they know their money will back. But also new auction is good because newbies can take important items so easier now. Old players not get anything now ; Dude you can't be serious ! Look at the REGISTER TIME of best players ; 2008 - 2009 - 2010 :/
  4. I just don't understand why you would want to go back to the old auction when your lost your creds I mean really? Who would want that to happen :p
  5. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I will start by saying I have not read all post here, but

    I have been a major user of trade / the auction since I 2009.

    The biggest change to trade was the skylab :(

    Before that time being rank 1st alien and having the orange goli sell drone I was credit rich and would win all 8 trade booster 3 hrs in a row for less than 20mil total.

    The change to the trade system in real terms only really had one significant change, which like a few other changes was slipped in.

    When the change was made to lost bids being returned, the most significant change to mainly new players/ low level players was the minimum bid, which was increased from 1 credit to 10,000 credit.

    On most server these days since the change many extra items go not allocated ( no one bids on them) before the change they would be bought for a few cred often 1 cred and sold for the 2.5x the uri price.

    I thought that the bid price on desirable items would go through the roof, but in reality they mostly stayed the same price.

    In reality all that has happened is many players are just accruing more spare credit.

    For me it has saved me millions if not billions of credit as before the change I would bid low then rebid again and again, if someone over bid me and occasionally would end up spending 150k or more just on a dmg booster. These days I can all but grantee a win for much less than that, but over all trade cost me about the same as before the update.

    At the end of the day there is 24 auction per day and some one will win the desirable item so it is just swings and roundabouts.
    With regards to " Newbies got it way to easy now days. " that statement is so far from reality.

    Before Bio anyone could make FE in a few months and a skilled player could win most battle with skill and tactics well before achieving FE.

    Since Bio and the subsequent updates. It has become increasingly difficult for a new player.

    These days event the average spend has little or no chance of even reaching UFE even after years of playing, so for a new player, as soon as they get into the game, they will realise they will have to spend 5-10k hrs and or thousands of £/$ to become UFE, that is if we do not see any more updates.

    So how does new player on any level have it easy these days?

    Most just give up when they realise the enormity of the challenge to get even a half descent ship.
    Unstoppable likes this.
  6. No for me, it was designed that way to help the noobs. And if you win you don't get any credits back unless your premium and you only receive i think 5% back. You get all your credits back if you don't win...

    Non-winning bids cant jack up the trade, unintelligent people bidding excessive amounts can.

    No for me.
  7. Your correct you get 5% credits back if your prremium
  8. I don't see how it is so much easier for noobs to get items if what ya'll are saying about B02s going for over 50 million. Saw about 4 posts to that effect. "It's so hard for me to win bids!! But the noobs have it so easy!" Contradiction?
    Yes, they have it waaay better than when I started with my 10k uri and an LF2, but Darkorbit is trying to lessen the gap between fe and ufe and this is how they will go about it.
    I personally do not want the bid to be back to the way it was. As it is right now, I won all my iris's for under 20mil each. Before, I would never bid less than 80mil on an iris to make sure I won. Inflation? Rather the opposite. I just won both the damage and shield booster for less than 50mil combined. I like it this way.
  9. -1 heck no people bid over 100mill on boosters on my server
  10. Thanks for all the replies,But i'm sorry the new system does not work to your advantage when you think your saving credits your actually losing more. Why you may ask? well your actually spending double and even triple the amount of credits to win a bid which you don't get back, so were do you think your saving. Your only saving by losing therefore you got your credits still and no item that you wanted.:)

    BOSS~ADAM User

    The Auction is fine the way it is and more items will and should be added anyways to help average and newer players progress on the road to Ufe which most won't see anyways, I don't think new players have it easier nowadays's even with the new starter bonus, the one key fact is they have to deal with Ufe hunters throughout the maps and the massive amount of time or money needed to build a decent ship. The Auction was changed to help newer players as someone else already said and you can get bids at the same price sometimes cheaper, boosters have always been expensive but most other items remain pretty much the same, you can keep bidding until you win anyways lol.

    Also take into consideration the fact that you would bid repeatedly on the same item and sometimes lose time and time again then bid a massive amount and win so in essence bidding prices remain the same or are even cheaper with the new system, if your losing 100 million credit bids on boosters then try bidding at another time.

  12. That's what i'm saying your bidding and bidding and losing,But yes you get your credits back.So ya got all your credits back right? lets go win this bid and double down to get it .Now your still losing all them extra credits because the bid is outrageously high now. Ok a friend of mine plays here east 1 bidded 160 mill for ep booster and still lost, which is crazy for an ep boost. Anyhow someone out bid him and payed more than 160 mill for 1 ten hour booster lmao point said.;)
  13. нокυм

    нокυм User

    No. The old way was ridiculous. All it did was create a way for billionaires to troll others by bid warring them into bankruptcy. I would rather pay a little more and get the item, than pay less and possibly lose the entire sum with nothing to show for it.

    The auction should have never been a way for people to stay boosted 24/7 for a fraction of the value to start with. You can always pay with uridium and get them outright if you cannot be bothered to wait.

    Anyway, I don't see where you are getting this, "you pay more, so you're losing more". In the last couple of days I have gotten 4 B02 for just under 100M. Before the update, 1 B02 would have ended up costing me half of that if not more due to lost bids.
  14. pkomg

    pkomg User

    how can this new system not good? i think it help newbie easier win in auction nowaday, i've seen many guy ( newbie guy) quit the game because they play alot to earn cred then lost all cred when they not win in auction. This new system make more new people come to play and enjoy that mean the game become more fun.
  15. Which is why you wait till the next hour and try again? Unless you're Extremely Desperate for that booster so you can't wait another hour to get it :L
  16. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    I don't even know how this thread has support. The new way of auctioning hasn't inflated the economy much, and even then that's a better thing than losing half your bids. On my server, the lf3 bid used to be around 20 million. Now, it's about 25-30 million. I still rather that than losing a bid on lf3, losing all the credits, then bidding again and winning, paying a total of 40 million at least.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Like I said find another time to bid, the current bidding system is fine since you can bid the and win or get your credits back and most bids have stayed the same, boosters will and always have cost tons of credits.