The problems with the "assembly" and "objectives" windows

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ArchNovaElite, Apr 20, 2020.

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  1. It's been three days and I know the current issues in Europe 6 and other servers haven't been left unnoticed (big delays between firing rockets, delays between loading and firing rocket launcher, huge or permanent delay when attempting to jump some gates, forcing you to close the client), but my biggest concerns right now are the Assembly and Objectives (for the event) windows, for two reasons:

    I) I am missing two rewards given from objective completions (specifically, the "Use eternal keys" objective and the "Complete 15 objectives". I'm certain I've completed these since I had to use one more key and I had to complete one more objective to get the rewards). This is presumably because the objectives window went off-line before I completed these missions

    II) I cannot access the assembly window in order to create new modules with the byte remnants I have collected.

    My question is this: What will happen if the event ends and these issues haven't been dealt with in due time?

    I'm quite confident that you know these problems exist but I'm also confident that I'm not the only user that has been placed in this kind of compromising position. The event ends soon.
  2. Update... right as I posted this, the assembly and objectives window are back online and I got the rewards. Keep in mind that they were off-line for three days straight however
  3. Still a problem as it died again this morning. I do figure someone is still working on this issue though.
  4. Yeah nevermind... it happened again to me too. I don't know when it will come back online again.
  5. kitty66

    kitty66 User

    the byte still not adding to the objectives
  6. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello pilots

    As you can see from the recent forum posts, you are not the only one experiencing this issue. Please take the time to read through the forums before posting what has already been posted multiple times.

    Closing as common concern.

    Regards Rogue
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