Things to do after reaching FE

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by NubCake87, Oct 12, 2014.

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  1. Yea, I've seen that happen too.
    Since I played for a few years, I just went in with suicide moth and x2 sepped. I can knock out a good chunk of their HP until you need to back off. Kami helps too if they have it. I don't have kami, nor will I use it until I do all the gates and solo every NPC up to the ubk >:D
    Main reason I'm doing Kappas earlier on is so I can get some of those LF4s. It can improve your firepower, so start up on Kappas if you have a decent amount of PPs and you're at the least FE.
    But then again... you practically get nothing if you win the Kappa Booster or none of the main three rewards from it...
  2. I see what your saying but you get 25 keys from a zeta, so save them keys up and use them on LF4 day to get your LF4's.
  3. Plus they get their bio up faster from zeta.
  4. I can't argue much with that, except, even on LF4 days, some people just don't have the luck to get them :p
    Until you reach around 25 PPs xD
    oversoulpaul likes this.
  5. I've just built my apis today got it to level 6 from crazy cubes, now im going to work towards my 3rd zeta and hopefully get my second havoc. I'm going to save my booty's for Zeus day and use the uri from the gate towards pincer design for hunting since i will be working on my rank points. Does this sound like a good idea?
  6. Don't get pincer, get moth, not only does moth help smash gates it's better to go hunting with for the runners, when pincer just hinders you from taking out their shields, especially if you just got apis, you clearly don't have the build to do the damage you need to even off someone on port with pincer.
    FaceTheLegend likes this.
  7. I think ill just get them both, pincer will come in handy for hunting with double boosters, sep and fats. And then ill use moth for hunting also because i have bat for gates.
  8. I'm a bit curious, the only time I find that Pincer will be useful is when your target is depleted of shields. That's when the extra 3% damage comes in handy.
    Also when trying to SAB someone, you'll get more shields back.

    Other than that, for basic PvP, it'll be like they have crab formation or something :/
    FaceTheLegend likes this.
  9. I see alot of UFE's using Pincer, but they switch to heart or diamond if they are in goli.
  10. Depends on your build, i can sit outside port and use pincer and pop people if im boosted with ammo lol
    FaceTheLegend likes this.
  11. Yeah, i will only use it when im sepped and boosted.
  12. #1: Zeta Gate
    This gate has been the biggest waste of my time ever, I'm sorry I ever got 5 from my first 8, now I'm just wasting spins on a gate that gives me no real return. The log disks are a small quantity (50 is NOT a high amount) and the 25 booty keys are about enough for a 50% chance at an LF4 on double LF4 day.

    #2: Drone upgrades
    Probably one of the most solid investments I've ever made.

    #3: Kappa Gate
    Kappa is, in my opinion, the best gate that currently exists and on par with hades for the value of actually doing it. A 50% roll per gate at something useful is always good, and Hercules are superior to Havocs - especially with Heart Formation, Solace design, Aegis or Saturn design. Plus they provide a shield boost without being maxed - so your shield and drone upgrades are stacked, making your speed config exceptionally tough.

    #4: The Aegis
    You love this ship too much. I am one of the few people to actually buy this ship (and elite design - also a bad idea) outright with Uridium. Now, aside from the fact that it kills slower, there's not much to mention. The only real advantage of the Aegis is that it can farm Battle Ray and Cubes, otherwise (For BKs, SKs and all gates except Hades/LoW) the Goliath is superior for the higher damage output and thus faster cash/RP earning, given that you can now rep on the go (I'd argue the 2014 winter gate is better done in a Vengeance though). And as for why the Elite design is bad: It boosts the rep pod, sure, something you can't generally use on moving targets or when you need to move - but you then decrease the HP Target rep (not too good) but also the shield target rep (Absolutely horrible). Since the Aegis has a hard time repairing shields with the 30 second timer and the tiny amount that it actually generates, reducing the effectiveness of that skill in favor of the rep pod is awful - even if you get a 5% damage boost -- The Veteran is the superior design.

    #5: Drone Formations
    While I agree that Heart and Diamond are good formations to have, I think Moth is going to get mentioned no matter what, but an honorable mention is actually the Chevron. The Chevron design is the only design which actually boosts your overall damage output by any significant amount (Especially with a Leonov), it can boost the damage output on credit ammo of an OSFE to 10k per hit. Although I got it as my first design, I would actually recommend it despite how little attention it seems to get. Just as an aside: Star, Barrage, Crab and Pincer formations are all crap, do NOT get them, you do NOT need them. (Double arrow is also bad, don't bother with it).

    #6: Pilot Bio
    Well this should be obvious, really. Max shield engineering and Ship Hull I/II are kind of the bedrock of a solid account. Follow that up with Shield mechanics and you're pretty much set already (Evasive maneuvers is a luxury for a later time).
    bubuletz likes this.
  13. Thanks for those tips! :D
  14. kappa is 15% lf4 or Hercules :)

  15. So I am FE and I have an Aegis with the Aegis Elite skin, I also got lucky and got the Apis full out of a booty box. My Skill Tree is up to 1 pp in shield mechanics, I have done no GG but I'm working on getting Zeta. What should I spend my Uri on? I am really lost from all the different things people have been telling me.
  16. Upgrade your Bo2.
  17. =Richie=

    =Richie= User

    shields for sure
  18. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    But you need a full set to get anything out of them.
  19. Zetas are much easier to build then kappas
    Havocs have a higher chance then a herc, why? Because a kappa gives out 3 items, and 1 nothing...
  20. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    For an FE, definitely zetas.
    • decent amount of log disks to start up pilot bio
    • more booty keys than any other gate which you can save for events (apis, zeus, lf4 etcetera)
    • far easier than most of the other gates especially kappa. it is also easier to build than kappa.
    • lots of uridium from the gate as a reward and from the npcs. (them melters!!!)
    The havoc designs won't be useful until you have an equivalent number or havocs to drones (or more havocs).
    For an FE that would mean you only need 8! yes you might get your APIS before getting those 8 but you're bound to be very close.

    What I personally do is spend booty keys only during the ZEUS event because you can get APIS pieces during that time too and potentially get a complete APIS before the ZEUS even still. (If you didn't know, when you have completed your APIS drone, you will still continue to get APIS pieces which will go towards the development of your second [spare] APIS..)

    I was looking for a thread on the old forums which had a VERY good guide for an FE doing their first ZETA gate however..
    It appears BP have restricted access to the old forums..and I can't find the thread on the new forums..
    AmunRa7 likes this.