[TI] Astral De-Sync

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º, Aug 17, 2022.

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  1. Why has the Astral Desync issue not been addressed yet? It's been there since release, it's still there now. For a gate with such a headache induced setup, you'd think something like a desync would be a top priority fix when updating it, and I know its been updated, there are changes to loadouts. So can you fix the desync too? I have no issues anywhere else in game, no other gates, I can do everything else on my PC no issue, everything is fine on my end, just this gate alone is garbage.

    ID: 26221842
  2. did not see any problems in this port
  3. I've had constant sync issues with it since drop. But everywhere else I go is fine.
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