[TI] Back page issues again

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by USS-Aries, Dec 2, 2017.

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  1. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    With the weekend comes yet again issues with the game, both hanger and gg spins have the same issues. players on GB1 cannot use there hanger to equip or build GG's due to the unknown error message or the error 500 message. Players are paying our real money for a very poor service or should i say no service at all. It seems that DO care very little about customer support, would it be so difficult to have some one from the dev team on standby to sort out these weekend bugs rather than leave it till the the office opens on Mondays after all we now live in a 24/7 world and not a Mon to Fri 9 till 5 world. If the Dev team get a Christmas bonus in their pay packets it's high time they started to earn it.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    Odin® likes this.
  2. log on another weekend of issues with the game, every weekend, what are the d.o team doing all week. pay peanuts get monkeys
    TIMEF0RCHANGE likes this.
  3. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Drinking beers and eating free fruits.
  4. zXSaiDekXz

    zXSaiDekXz User

    I was just looking for a solution to the errors every time I enter anything hangar, gg's, auction, or any movement that makes me throw the error that a problem occurred that restarted the page, do not do anything that has paid multipliers and did not You can play because the ship can equip, neither my PET nor can I change the gears.[​IMG]
  5. Your IMG is not working, but if you want assistance you need to include your server for them to look into it.

    I know I ran into the issue again on US3 yesterday, but seems to be fine today. Were the techs working on the server? It would be nice to have notice of plans to do this as lost connections cost lives, if doing Galaxy Gates, and I am constantly repairing my ship because a Lordakia got credit for killing me, while I am trying to regain connection to the game.
    OILDAILY likes this.
  6. they also result in lost boosters, figures on a double gate rewards day. i couldn't even do my gates.
    Odin® likes this.