[TI] Calendar Infinite Load

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ßorenoßoß™, May 25, 2021.

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  1. The game is stuck on Calendar load , this needs to be fixed
  2. adamofo1

    adamofo1 User

    yes minesbeen the same for 2 hours now
  3. 1taffy1

    1taffy1 User

    After following a prompt to update, and after restarting my machine, my calendar is stuck on loading, too.
  4. -Fleabird-

    -Fleabird- User

    same here
  5. 4 hrs now been trying

    Response from Support would Rock
    Last edited by moderator: May 25, 2021
  6. edlee1975

    edlee1975 User

    hello fleabird, this is [REMOVED] from DO
    been trying all morning
    Last edited by moderator: May 25, 2021
    ßorenoßoß™ likes this.
  7. HEY-YOU

    HEY-YOU User

    I'm having the same issue been trying every 30 minutes and nothing is letting me in.
    ßorenoßoß™ and Abraxas like this.
  8. me too. frustrating!
    ßorenoßoß™ likes this.
  9. for the record I've been trying to log in since 4:00am its now 2:00 pm and nothing. I have deleted and redownloaded the program and nothing works so I would say this problem isn't getting fixed until tomorrow. New client went live sometime 1:00 am and its been more than 12 hours now. So good luck
    ßorenoßoß™ and Abraxas like this.
  10. Barracuda

    Barracuda User

    You have a fifth grade class as coders here, so don't expect much. DO stopped caring years ago and are under no pressure to change.
    They either all took a early nap or class was suspended for today.
  11. We need to force them into caring again. We are the ones (the community) that are securing their pay and personally I will stop paying to the game until they start treating us properly.
    ßorenoßoß™ and Abraxas like this.
  12. Dopulx

    Dopulx User

    Same, for 2nd day already.
    ßorenoßoß™ likes this.
  13. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    Same here, orange LOADING doesn't turn into green CLAIM or START. As soon as something is touched, it gets ruined... fascinating.
    ßorenoßoß™ likes this.
  14. Hello Dark Orbit Tech , I would like to suggest a solution , rollback the update it is obviously very broken and causing more issues than it is fixing roll it back . Test it fix it re release it at least we get to play the game again and we feel less robed
  15. I hope they do something to resolve the issue sooner.
    ßorenoßoß™ likes this.
  16. up date sucks cant load game . come on fix this update.
  17. johnN1

    johnN1 User

    I have the same problem in the morning, now I tried again but 2 game pages do not open, loading is constantly yellow, obviously the problem is from the new client last night.
  18. *wilddave*

    *wilddave* User

    mine has been stuck since i did update fix the problem or im deleting my account
  19. 1taffy1

    1taffy1 User

    Is anyone else able to play?
    I haven't been able to get past the calendar in since the update. I've restarted and cleared my cache, but it's stuck on load.
    Does anyone have an update when this might be fixed?
    ME-262 likes this.
  20. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive


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