[TI] Can't Upgrade My Iris Drone

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TheNephilim, Oct 16, 2020.

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  1. Hey everyone! So as the title says, I'm having an issue in the Assembly where I can select and upgrade any of my drones except for one. It's currently at upgrade level 0 while the rest of my Irises are at upgrade level 2. Though I'm kind of not focused on upgrading right now, it's frustrating nonetheless.

    Is anyone else having this issue? Any solutions for this?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2020
  2. try logging off and back onto the game and try it. I went through that also when collecting from one level and trying to go forward.
    TheNephilim likes this.
  3. Barracuda

    Barracuda User

    Are you selecting the Apis drone from the menu. Select that and it should show up for updating.
  4. Yes I've experienced this too when I upgraded one of my Irises to level 3. Logging in and out fixed that, but not the issue with my level 0 Iris—which has been occurring for a few months now.

    I'm not sure what you meant by this, but I'm currently having trouble with an Iris drone. I have only 8 so far, no Apis and Zeus yet.

    Here's how it looks like for reference: https://pasteboard.co/JvZgMsJ.png
  5. Solutions anyone?
  6. D34mon

    D34mon User

    Open a ticket and contact the support.
  7. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.

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