[TI] conectivity to client page

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by souleater1, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    unable to connect to client/game play page of Dark Orbit, it just continuously says connecting
    pls wait, and doesn't connect.
  2. Tony[-6-]

    Tony[-6-] User

    i posted a thread on this earlier, please feel free to follow it.
    theOtherKey likes this.
  3. Torno

    Torno User

    USA2 east coast same problem... do everything on back window. did the auction.... but when try go to game window.... connecting non stop and never go into game
  4. Torno

    Torno User

    establishing connection... please wait.... How long ? cpl hours?
  5. realy tired of paying for the this game ...!!!!. you promote a boosters pac for 24hrs so we buy uri and get 24hr honer boost and then we cant log in game its my money lost again when do we start to count as the player !!!im just going to stop putting money on this game cheeters cheet and win and the paying player is out in the cold with nothing to show for it !!!!!!! fix the game and stop the hackers
  6. Hi Guys, please see message from White Pepper below.

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