[TI] Connection issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Weisswurstsepp, Jul 12, 2020.

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  1. Yes, im experiencing the same issues. I'm able to to login to my homepage, but these past acouples it would not let me play. As well, im unable to purchase lvl3 P.E.T gear. I tried contacting the game developers with these issues, but unfortunately that does not work either.
  2. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

  3. Hey, sorry to revive this post after a while, but I haven't seen an update on this:
    I had my last summer event mission fail because of this issue, locking me out of the game for the vast majority of the day despite retrying multiple times (spread out over that timespan), which is pretty significant considering a daily mission's 24h completion time.
    I don't like to push these requests regarding honest technical issues, but I would like an answer for me and others in this thread: what can be done for us?
    Since I've missed the last mission, I would appreciate the event being rerun/continued for a little while (9 drone designs looks odd if you run 10 drones :p Besides I already spent a ton of energy on the gate I would otherwise never need), although I have no idea about the number of people who were similarly affected by the technical issues regarding the event. It does seem like a fairly reasonable and simple request however :)
    For the premium and other timed packages of the fellow victims in this thread and throughout the server, I suppose more specific solutions would be necessary.

    Appreciate all the work from the mods on this forum and with your assistance here, I hope you can relay this one last message surrounding this technical situation :)
  4. I am on US1 server [​IMG]65207011 I have been unable to log into the game page this morning. It just sits there trying to connect but never connects.
  5. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello {_-ЀÃл╬«ƒÎ®£┼■-NL}

    Sorry for the late response

    I will forward your concern higher up .. From here i can't do nothing sorry about that

    But I understand you 100% , i can't promise everything to you, or say when or how.

    We really appreciate your nice words to us , Thank you !! :)

    Regards Rogue
  6. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    I think you experience the sync today , where the game was unplayable for some time ? :)

    Are you back in game again ?

    Regards rogue