[TI] i didn't get my ep from mission

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by FoxMulderFBI, Aug 26, 2016.

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  1. i had 146mill ep before i complete the mission to go till next rank i complete the mission i have ep booster it say i complete it in my logbook but it does not show on the top on my screen next to the darkorbit reloaded sign on back page it still stuck at 146 mill to next rank i complete 25.08.2016 - 21:40
    [​IMG]You have successfully completed mission "Flying Blind"!
    25.08.2016 - 21:40[​IMG]You received 16285500 EP.
    25.08.2016 - 21:40[​IMG]You received 24750 EP.
    25.08.2016 - 21:40[​IMG]You received 86 honor.
    it show in logbook that i comlete it but it does not minus from the top of the back page thing next to the dark orbit reload sign it say still 146 mill ep to go till next level it did not minus it from there :(i noit sure if i received my ep from that mission if you can take a look at it please
    my user id :
    [​IMG] 167554880
  2. You must remember that there are others working on their exp, and rank points also. When you say next rank, are you really referring to levels? If so, I get why your referencing exp points, but if you are talking about actual rank, ie major, then my starting comment applies.
    I think, as you have noted, the OP is talking about his ship level as EP advances this and not Rank, also he says about the number being removed from the counter next to the DarkOrbit Reloaded Logo on the backpage where we hover the cursor to find out how many EP until next ship level...
    The booster bonus on EP will be incl. in the 16,285,500 EP received for his quest and so his 'still 'EP' to get to the next level' counter should have reduced by that number from 146,000,000 thus leaving 130,000,000EP until his next level...

    FoxMulderFBI it sounds like you need to get Agent Skully involved on this one for the science/math aspect... Sometimes there is a slight lag until the counter reflects the change but usually not long... FoxMulderFBI have you rechecked your findings? Remember that DO "will deny all knowledge"

    "I made this"
    have a good day
    jackknife likes this.
  4. There is a Communication Failure between the Client and Back Page. People are seeing items in one but not the other. Please compare your In-Game EP (shown in the USER tab) and your Back Page EP these should be the same number. Your description of the location says it is Next Level, but you say "next rank" so you are confusing us as these are 2 different systems and completely different calculations.

    If PSK~SUNDANCE is correct. The Rank System only updates on a Daily basis and only changes at Server Restart. Your individual information updates during the day but the target number will not change during the day but is why this number does not stay the same every day. The system is fluid and is dependent on what other players are doing around you in the Ranks. And your Honor has more effect on this than EP

    If theOtherKey is talking about what you are asking about. The information to next Level is just a convenience as you can see the chart of levels but having 146 Million EP to next level is quite a bit to be worrying about your next level (example if you were level 16 you just made the level jump and have almost the entire 163 Million to level 17). What Level are you currently and what is you current EP numbers in both locations (In-Game and Back Page)? Also be aware there is a 20-30 delay in information being updated between Back Page and In-Game (I have to wait this long or be told I don't have enough cargo space when doing my Transfer to Ship from the SkyLab).