[TI] Messed up Calendar reward?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ÐäЯKWáЯLóçK-§94[FØЄ], Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. Hello! I don't know if this is gamewide or just GB2 but the advent calendar says the following:

    December 9th: 2 x BK-100 (Booty Key)

    Now me and numerous others have collected the 9th and received 2x log disks but a picture of booty keys? Is this a glitch/mess up or a typo in the calendar listing?
  2. Nothing new but please don't make spam threads about this. It's problem with DO's script and everyone got Log-disks instead of Booty keys.
  3. Spam threads? Didn't even notice there was another one? Only posts I've seen about this are in chat and on fb... My bad.
  4. It's OK. Only that like 3-4 posts are about this problem so I am just telling you to keep eye on other posts so maybe your question have already been answered just on some other thread.
  5. Hello ÐäЯKWáЯLóçK-§94[FØЄ]

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Please check below quote:
    Closing as issue was already reported.
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