[TI]Please verify Chance rewards on Kappa Gate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ._.Sparrow._., May 19, 2019.

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  1. Good morning,
    Just finished Kappa, and I'm still trying to get my last two Hercs. As you can see below, I was not successful. My questions is about the "Chance" rewards for Kappa. I did not receive anything from the Chance list. I have always received one of the Chance items in the past leading me to believe I would get one of the items every time. Have I been lucky to receive something every time? Thank you for clarifying.

    Chance to win one of the following items:
    • the new Hercules Drone design!
    • the new Multi Booster! For 5 hours of gameplay, the Multi Bonus gives you an additional 5% on all inflicted damage, on your XP and your shields, and are added on top of the other boosters you're using.• one of the super-rare LF4 Laser Cannons.Gate gives NO ring-If you complete this gate you will get a special title for it: "All-Star" A true sign of respect.

    Hercules Drone design drop rate is increased from 25% to 37.5%

    During double GG Reward is possible get 2 LF4 and 2 Hercules drone design.

    19.05.2019 - 07:51[​IMG]10 green booty key(s) collected.
    19.05.2019 - 07:51[​IMG]Kappa Gate completed.
    19.05.2019 - 07:51[​IMG]Received item: Ammunition - UCB-100 (30,000)
    19.05.2019 - 07:51[​IMG]Received item: Schism Crystal (15)
    19.05.2019 - 07:51[​IMG]20 log-disks collected.
    19.05.2019 - 07:51[​IMG]You received 18000000 EP.
    19.05.2019 - 07:51[​IMG]You received 715000 honor.
    19.05.2019 - 07:51[​IMG]You destroyed a Century Falcon alien ship.
  2. No matter what the chance is it's still a chance, as i have proven it to myself when i went to upgrade one of my lasers and i figured i would save a bit of uri and will only try 95% chance to upgrade and guess what the upgrade failed. So even with only a 5% chance it will fail it did just that.
  3. Sgt~Ocker

    Sgt~Ocker User

    Sorry to say but Chance + RNG = You might miss out.
    On my small account i did 4 Kappa's over 2 Sundays and got 8 hercs, then did 5 more to get the last 2.
  4. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User


    There is no guarantee that you will get a Herc or any other special rewards.

    Closing as answered.

    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
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