[TI] R-Zone buggy, cant complete quest 105/67.5

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Fly1ngThunder, Sep 30, 2020.

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  1. the round objects in the middle are extremely buggy. please fix.

    and even better, can we please get a better quest UX? even just a simple search field for plain text search would be enough so i can search for all pirate quests etc.
    even better a filter that lets you hide R-Zone, pvp, enemy map quests etc.
  2. I am stuck in the R zone like 1 hour now the gate is not showing itself
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.
  3. happened to me yesterday, x the browser off for 10 mins then it gets you out
  4. GodFreak

    GodFreak User

    I am a new player and have lots of R Zone quests / missions to do. When the R Zone came back, I could not get in due to the numbers of other players in there. The que time was over 15 mins, so I gave up. I was reading in chat, that people were stuck in there and could not get out (from what I hear, that was an bug from long ago).
    I agree that the quests / missions for R Zone need to be revamp or even give out a code to complete them all. I feel I may never get them due to the broken / bugged R Zone. And some type of filter option for the quests / missions would be nice as well.
  5. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.

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