[TI] UAV page issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ĐΛЯK•KИIGĦŦ[ΛRES], Jun 4, 2020.

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  1. hello
    im trying to open the uav and p.e.t. page but it doesnt open(switch)...is there any problem?

    my id is 39209612

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  2. same problem here on ge6 can only acces ship-page , but pet and drones not
  3. Clear your cache.
  4. Same here GB1...Can access ship but nothing else.
  5. Bam__Bam70

    Bam__Bam70 User

    Same problems i can.t acces ship confis and also pet confi to put another moduls ,shild etc this is from a few days and is not nice.AG2.
  6. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

  7. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    closing as no response to moderator
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