Tiered Ships

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sociopath, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. Yeh thats a good point but it would be a nice thing to have on the game anyway if the ships change the way they look but it does seem a bit on the pointless side to me.
  2. lag upon lag upon lag = frozen screen

    VESPID User

    Perhaps just limiting the slots to 14 of each so the precious

    Why not allow people the option to choose what they want to spend their uri on???
    I for one wouldn't hesitate to buy a way to better arm smaller ships and others should have that option if they wish it.
    For those of you that don't wish to use this idea then just don't.
  4. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Do you mean uridium specifically or currency in general? Wallet warriors still have more credits (usually) than free players, so making any credit additions that would be aimed to level the playing field would only fail. And yes, we don't really "need" this addition, that's why it's the suggestion forum. If we needed it, it would be called a bug that needs fixing.
  5. ~Dr.Agony~

    ~Dr.Agony~ User

    I'd have to say no on this one. You'd have to completely change the game in order for tiered ships to make sense. However, new ships with differeing stats (EX. More lasers, but less HP/Shields or or some other different combinations of HP/Shields/Speed/Firepower) would make more sense, instead of it just being just one ship being considered the best.