Time Limit on portal

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GHOSTofMarz, May 24, 2014.

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  1. As we all know, Portal is the safest part in any home map. BUt sometimes it can be quite annoying when folks just stay at port all day. What if DO implemented a time limit on portal based on your level? Hear me out. In upper maps, the limit should be from 2-4 minutes max based on your level. I mean atleast thats how i feel. What are your suggestions or opinions?
  2. Some are portal guards. They can NerF your suggestion by simply jumping port (in and out) every few mins.
  3. How about no.

    Some like to just login and chat since the game sucks now, others are repairing or AFK, if folks stay at port all day then your probably camping them on port so they can't even play so quit that.
    [ηαzz™] likes this.
  4. Yeah no. Some people go AFK at port. So no.
  5. u cant put a time limit on a number 2 lol
  6. No! I wouldn't like coming back from the washroom to find my ship in pieces.
    -ynsmrblr- and [ηαzz™] like this.
  7. Destroyed: "Hey why you kill me AFK on port"
    Destroyer: "Shouldn't be going AFK"
    Destroyed: "Hey man, when you gotta go, you gotta go"
  8. I don't get the last line :p
  9. you don't know that reference? When you gotta go (bathroom) you gotta go.
  10. [​IMG]
  11. Please just stop playing the game ...
  12. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    How many houses have a toilet next to a computer table with pipes going right under the table? lol
    [=The-Juggernaut=] likes this.
  13. We would all have to get one fitted if this idea went ahead :p
  14. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    And BP gonna pay for it?? :p:p:p:p:D:D:D:p:p:p:D
  15. It's one of the hitac prizes
  16. Completely off topic but USS Goliath and SPSAT99 that toilet convo and pic just made my day Thank you very much :D
  17. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    You welcome lol :D:D

    oh really?? :p:p
  18. Gonna need some good venting done in that room lol
    [=The-Juggernaut=] likes this.
  19. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    lol :D
  20. you guys are funny, i guess i understand what yall mean, but why not just log off while you step away?
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