Time Limit on portal

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GHOSTofMarz, May 24, 2014.

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  1. Some ports are DMZ zones, so no BOOM or poof. AFK/away from keyboard also stands for 'active at keyboard' :p
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Wouldn't that be 'aak'..?

    Could a moderator close this thread please? The OP it seems, is too shy to ask.
  3. I wouldnt be mad, i dont play this game to just chat. I play to win and win as much as I can, it seems that the players that cannot defeat other players have the issue here. This is what causes the dead server, when players stay at port all day, a port should not be a safe zone for long, thats what the home base is for.
  4. It seems like you guys are mad at the idea because maybe, and just maybe, the majority of dislikers are players that are not strong enough to battle. I understand that, which is why I think the level or strength rule should be applied. If you are at a certain strength you should be allowed a certain amount of dmz at port. If you are UFE, you dont need to be more than 7 mins at port. If you need more time, then log off.
    Everyone is so quick to say close this thread. This game goes beyond just one player, so entertain the conversation.
  5. If you can go and kill a kristalon then you are not a a new player..... sorry for spam
  6. I was in a rush - I meant ' a free kill ' aka ' afk. '
  7. Some like to log-in and chat with old friends because the game sucks, I don't know where you got the notion that only players that can't fight or hunt have a problem here, everyone has a problem with this idea because it sucks, people sitting at port causes dead servers, that is just pure stupidity, players that hunt others off the game cause the servers to be dead, players that want these kind of idea's and are most likely pure bullies in game , players that camp others on ports all day want this idea.

    Bases and ports should both be safe zones, maps would be empty if ports weren't safe, the reason a UFE might be on a port for more then 7 minutes is because they're purposely hiding or they're AFK, this idea is bad, I have no clue as to how you could even think this is good at all, this if anything is a game killer, not players sitting on port chatting.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
  8. A DMZ is a DMZ - you can't log off if you getting hit. A lone NPC can bother you from logging off. 20 sec to 5 sec. is not much time to leave sometimes so you go to port.
  9. Back to the core question... Portal timer... Kiss my cold wrinkled .... (can I get away with saying that in the forums? maybe not) left foot!

    Port hugging is part of the game. Hunters and prey. The hunter on the ground might be unhappy that his prey is high in the tree but the prey is not coming down out of the tree until the hunter is gone. Poops a fallin... Look out below! lol
  10. oh well, i guess they can close this thread..... thanks for all the opinions.
  11. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Lol skeen
  12. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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