Time to go 'all out' Dark Orbit!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ZÿИΛPS™, Feb 12, 2015.

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  1. LEON...

    LEON... User

    I think that if dark orbit concentrated on the kappa gate for 2 gates for a guaranteed win, and made it so hercs were only available from epsilon, it would work out ok.
  2. @Leon,
    a 'fixed' reward seems fairer. It does seem odd that certain players win LF4's, and other rewards at different times. I would like to know how they work out the random system of theirs? I certainly would be angry if a player receives 10 LF4's whilst doing a minimal amount of gates. On the other hand, I prefer the game NOW to be balanced (because there isn't enough battles going on) and it is time to let the newbs have their LF4's then maybe, just maybe the maps will be full of UFE PvPers!
  3. LEON...

    LEON... User

    i will make a seperate thread about this idea and see what the global community think. :)
    -AdamantiumDragon- and SPSAT99 like this.
  4. I like some of the compromised ideas, such as only one day a month, or raise the %, or guaranteed % from gates.

    People who say "this would only benefit WW's", are definitely wrong tho and here's why :

    When LF4 came out only via booty and gates, most big spenders crushed 50 gates in a row, in one or 2 weeks and had Full LF4.....2 years ago.....so old WW's would not be affected by this AT ALL.

    If a NEW wallet warrior wants them, they do the same, (or w8 for a gold booty day and open 3000 of them), so NO difference except this NEW wallet warrior pays a little less than someone did 2 YEARS ago, that sounds totally reasonable to me.

    The wallet warriors have always and SHOULD always have an advantage, no probs with that.

    This update will help the MANY post FE players scratching their heads and thinking , "how can I come up with five MILLION uri to get UFE??!!?? This game is crazy, I quit :(o_O." because after 2 months of playing..this is what 95% of players say, then quit.....

    At least this update helps all those people out, and hopefully gets them to stay ( so us UFE's have some new ships to shoot, at the very least.

    Last thought: IF you worked your ship up OR bought it.....don't you now want new players that you can shoot with it???...Or would you all prefer an empty map ??...

    HOW DO WORKS, GET MONEY : 1000 players start free, 999 quit. One player gets "addicted" and spends $1000, $2000, heck maybe even $3000 over time, DO says thank you, and there is one UFE flying around the map. Multiply this scenario for more people and this is how DO gets their players, and runs their business.

    WHAT DO SHOULD DO FOR MONEY : 1000 players start, 500 quit. The 500 who stay like the game, and half of that, 250 players think "this game is worth spending $20, $50, $100". Now you have maps full 500 players, half are good targets while they farm, the remaining 250 will be good competition. Here's the kicker ...250 X $100 = $25,000 for DO.....MORE MONEY AND MORE, HAPPIER, SATISFIED PLAYERS!!

    The Business model has been purposefully and specifically designed to target the .01% of all total players who become addicted and spend BIG $$ on these types of games.

    As a result the gaming ( and GAMBLING ) experience, as well as the attitude of the average player, have gone DOWN HILL.

    IF WE can recognize the situation we are ALL IN, we can ask Dark Orbit for OUR game back. WE may have to accept that new players will pay less, but wanting new players to get ripped off just because some of us have been is just greedy, and selfish, and shortsighted.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 17, 2015
  5. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    Very well said, this solidifies the notion of balance in this game.
  6. R3V3R4NT

    R3V3R4NT User

    Yes I hope D.O. is looking at this post.
    I find myself becomming a pie-in-the-sky fan.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
  7. Abner3

    Abner3 User

    Darkorbit has said they aren't thinking about LF5 anytime... The only people who would benefit from this is the FE who are sort of stuck trying to get to UFE. They have a huge gap to cross with all these Apis, Zeus, Havoc, LF4, PP

  8. BO2 is in shop and auction so why is the BO3 not coming out at Boxes?
  9. R3V3R4NT

    R3V3R4NT User

    Right!!! I'm with NARADA on this one.
    Why hide behind fear of something better just because items like this one could be made more available to all players.
  10. I really Hope DO/BP are thinking about New Maps,BO3's, LF-5's,New Drone covers,New Kronos Type Designs Etc. How can the game
    progress with out it? DO need to make getting UFE items more attainable. Once the most of the pilots become UFE then come with the new updates again. This time release new updates in a way to avoid the current situation we're in now.
    R3V3R4NT likes this.
  11. R3V3R4NT

    R3V3R4NT User

    I concur, there has to be something to continue to keep the game fun.
  12. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Or just give me 45 LF4s and everyone will be happy....
    .had to be said.. ahem

    I disagree about selling them but wouldn't mind an easier way of obtaining them from some sort of continuous event.
    an event that happens every week or something. Obviously a lot of thought would be needed for that so it's fair for every player.

    Those that want to "save the game" by selling lf4s, have you considered removing RSB and the jump chip? Or even bringing back the 500 urid per repair thing we had back in 2008.

    Ponder over why the game was prosperous back then. I can vouch my server was amazing back then!

    Bots eh? Pop them and they'll have to pay 500 urid. It'll discourage using them.
    OILDAILY likes this.
  13. It would be too much too soon for DO to come out with bo3 or LF-5. They recently came out with upgrades, people paid a lot of money and time to upgrade tier shiny bo2 and lf-4. DO will wait till they're happy popping stuff, then release the bo3 maybe as it's older then MAYBE the lf-5. If you release stuff to quickly people get mad at the money they wasted. Wait too long stuff like this happens. Be just fine and noobs complain because they want lf-4. Consider this. DO releases bo3 and lf-5. Think lf-4 or these new items will become any more attainable? Perhaps. But there will still be better players. So wait it out, enjoy the game and let things go their natural course ;)


    y do we need a bo3 or a lf5 y not make say better ammo on mhh or random times like x5 ammo or x4 hellstorms or some pimped up rsb that cost loads but u get the kill.also lose the ice rockets realy does my nut in wen 3rd party scripts use them .wot about dcr being in boxes idk JUST LUV THIS GAME but not the cheats .regards ap
  15. We don't need any stronger ammo, nor do we need BO3's or LF5's. We would have Goli's flying around with 2 mill shielding and hitting say 70-85k whites...eeek :eek:.

    What we need is a new game, a new paradigm. A more open, more affordable game for a wider playing audience.

    ONE big step towards this would be a somehow (maybe not in shop idk...) more attainable LF-4 laser.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
    _-DarkOverLord-_ and R3V3R4NT like this.
  16. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    Right!!!! I'm with Pie on this one!!!
  17. StarRider

    StarRider User

    I dont think we need lf5 lazers yet, when most players cant even have access to the lf4
  18. Agreed, Just think DO should be thinking about.WE will need those items in the future yes.
    R3V3R4NT likes this.
  19. jackknife

    jackknife User

    But first make lf4s more reasonable to get or the chasan between new players, FE and Ufes is going to be even deeper.
    Dreadlok likes this.
  20. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
    Tarron likes this.
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