Tips for a Strong account

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by ∞§†ØÑΣMΔ§ØÑ∞, Jul 19, 2016.

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  1. First of all there is a very good video guide for new players that kilerstreak has done. That is a must watch for all new players.

    I will be telling you about ways to continue to progress well and to obtain a strong account for the free player. Some of what I say might be considered obvious to some, but I want to cover as much as I can.

    My first rule is this. Do not spend uri on anything that you can buy with credits or that you can get for free. If you are a free player saving as much uri as you can is very important and you will need as much as you can get for later on.

    As you build your way up to FE by selling prom from your skylab, doing missions and bidding on Iris's LF3's, B02's and Speed Gens. You can get these items much cheaper if you bid when the server is at its most quietest.

    After you have gained a good amount of the above I recommend changing ships to a vengeance, it is a good all rounder. Use the avenger design for its 10% extra shields.

    Use prom and sep on your shield and engine gens. keep about 50 of each in your cargo bay then you can put 5 units at a time on your gens. If you put loads of prom and sep on gens and you log out later on all that sep and prom will be wasted.

    When killing NPC's always collect their cargo's, by doing so helps you in two ways.
    Firstly you can sell the cargo, secondly you will not leave a trail of cargo drops for NME's to follow. (I have killed a lot of NME's by just following the cargo boxes to their location) Refine you cargo to promid and Duranium. (save your Xenomit)

    Always collect bonus boxes, as many as you can while you fly around doing missions etc. They might only give you small rewards but they do add up nicely if you keep collecting them. Set your pet to collect them as well when you are flying around.

    I recommend setting up your pilot bio to a boxing one in the first stages. By doing this you will start earning more uri with little fuss. Also it greatly helps when you are involved in spaceball.

    Boxing Bio

    Minimum Requirements

    Ships HUll I: 2
    Logistics: 2
    Luck I: 2
    Ships Hull II: 3
    Shield Mechanics: 5
    Tractor Beam: 5

    Total 19 Points (Luck II will take a while to get).
    Then you can build up to fat lazers

    Shield Engineering: 2
    Bounty Hunter I & II: 5

    Total 26 Points

    Then build up

    Shield Engineering: 3
    Evasive Maneuvers I & II: 5
    Luck II: 3
    Rocket Fusion: 5
    Electro Optics: 5

    Total 47 Points

    Log discs.

    These can be obtained other than buying them, by the following.

    Daily log in bonus, Daily missions, Auction, Spinning for gate parts, Doing gates, Booty boxes, Killing cubes, Boss and Uber NPCs.

    The last ones are not guaranteed but it is possible. So there is no real need to buy them, as my first rule states. Also, always do the daily quests they can be beneficial over time.


    Get one as soon as you can. If you are a free player do not let it level up past level 5. It will become more expensive to rep and the level 2 protocols work just fine and are so much cheaper than the level 3 ones. Buy the auto looter level 2 and kami level 2.

    To get the best results out of your level 2 kami you will need an NPC that is stationary under your ship and other NPC's will surround your ship. Use the kami on the NPC in the middle this will cause damage to all the NPC's not just a small portion of the ones that surround you.

    Resulting in more rewards per kami even after using uri to rep your pet. Any stationary NPC will work well to pull this off. Best used in x-2,x-3 or x-4 maps or in gates.


    If you set your bio to boxing and your pet has auto looter then get into a battle map 4-1, 4-2 or 4-3 and box for uri and GG spins As you start gaining a good amount of uri you can buy some level 2 salvage protocols this will increase how much uri and spins you will get and also increases the rewards from spaceball.

    Some people find boxing to be boring, sometimes it is. If you either get on chat and talk with friends you can take your mind off it also listening to some good music can help.

    Failing that you could set your pet to collect and with your ship click from one side of the map to the other and let your pet do the rest while you watch TV. lol
    If an nme comes your way you can use the jump CPU 2 to jump back to your home base.


    Spaceball is a good way to gain lots of uri and GG spins.

    Here is a guide to spaceball.

    Things you will need:-

    1.Vengi, anvenge or the lighting design. (The vengi and avenge design can be picked up from auction for 10k creds each easily)
    2.Cloaks (The 10 cloak CPU can be picked up easily as well)
    3.EMPs, freeze and DCR-250 rockets, insta shield and slow mines (Hopefully people with have these as they are a must in any combat situation)
    4.PET 10 with Auto Looter. (If you dont have a PET you can still take part)
    5.Heart and Wheel drone formation, Salvage protocols level 2, box doubler and tractor beam II pilot points. (These are not a must have, but will help you collect more rewards and help you to escape attackers.

    As we will not be shooting people because our main objective is to collect cargo, you will only need two speed configs. Fill you drones with shields only and fill your ships gen slots with speed gens only. The rest of your ship fill with lazers and your extras. Have enough sep and prom on your ship's gens to last you the entire event. (3 hours)

    Firstly if your company are winning then go ahead and help shoot the ball use x1 and turn you rocket CPU's off. Stay with the main party of your company players this will give you some protection from being picked off by NME players.

    Just before the ball goes into the port find a place near to the port and wait for the cargo to drop and then quickly try to pick up as many as you can. Then fly back to the ball and repeat.

    If an NME company are winning, then stay cloaked and away from any action. Wait until the ball is close to the NME port. Then fly in, still cloaked and find a good position close to the port and wait for the cargo to drop, then, again pick up as many as you can.

    When you are waiting for the cargo to drop it is a good idea to keep moving around in a figure of 8. A moving target is harder to lock. After the cargo's are all gone move away from the port by clicking on the other side of the map and away from any action or NME ships

    If you do get locked onto, first of all fly away by clicking on to the other side of the map. By doing this your mouse will be free to help you deal with the attacker as you are flying away. by either using slow mines, EMP's, or lock onto them and use freeze or DCR rockets.

    Also remember that you have 2 configs so as soon as your first config is out of shields you can change to your second config. In this event there is no drone damage so you will not lose anything. So if you do get popped heal up and jump back in.

    With any luck you should have a lot of GG spins through boxing doing spaceball and the daily missions. I believe that best gate to do first is the zeta gate, it is easy and the rewards are good. If you have enough uri to buy the moth drone formation then get it to do this gate it will be even easier.

    Complete the gate when they have a double reward weekend. By the time one of these events takes place you could easily have enough spins to open 4 gates.
    That is a reward of 200 booty keys and 400 log discs. Not to mention just under 200k uri and the chance of havoc drone designs and all that x4 ammo. FOR FREE

    Spinning for gate parts

    There are a lot of different ideas regarding spinning for gate parts. I think it all depends on the person doing the spinning. I, however spin 5 at a time and use the multiplier as soon as I get one. Also I use a Phoenix ship to spin in so I am not wasting spins on nano hull.

    Crazy Cubes

    Taking part in this event can give you lots of rewards even if you are not strong enough to deal with the amount of damage the prots cause or the fear of NME attacks

    Basically, cloak up, target the cube set your pet to kami and set off an ACM-1 mine under your ship. When the mine goes off it will make your pet kami the cube. Timed right you will receive a good amount of rewards through out the event without firing a single shot.

    If you follow my suggestions it will not take you as long as you think to get a good strong account. With all the free booty keys you get you can use them on zeus and lf4 days. With any luck you will start to gain these and become stronger.

    With the free log discs you can start to finish off your pilot bio. With all the free uri that you will have gained you can start to upgrade your drones, B02's and LF4's and also buy more drone formations. After you have full havocs you can take on the kappa gate for the herc drone design.

    And if you have 10 minutes to spare you can bash out a few missions for even more uri and credits.:D

    I hope this helps people to become strong and to stay interested in the game.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
  2. I like the crazy cube idea, I have not been able to take part in it much because of all the damage dished out and enemy attacks. So I think I will try it out.
  3. jackknife

    jackknife User

    Saying that new pilots fly the vengi is very good advice, I've seen far too many underpowered goli flying about nowadays.

    I differ only on the boi I think and did the top line first up to and including shield mech. That little bit extra just might give you the edge during a fight or just enough to make it to port.

    And to me boxing is like pulling my hair out with dull pliers. :( Though good post and left me thinking.

    Jack the Knife
    OrbitGuru likes this.
  4. Mace~Windu

    Mace~Windu User

    Nice informations dude!