Transport Module Crashing the Game!

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by jayherbo, Apr 12, 2024.

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  1. Kyro

    Kyro User

    As that bottom right privacy thing that used to see on some pages is gone, which worked... here is another way that should work, if you missed that*.

    On client: Log into your server > then logout* > then click on the "Cookie Settings" on that login page(see spoiler if can't see it) > Accept All or just the "Google Consents" thing(pointed out on previous post) > Save & Exit.
    Skylab transport should now work, unless there really is more to it than this for some people.


    This only accepts the cookie things for the server you log out of. If try clicking "Cookie Settings" anywhere else from what seen, it simply just doesn't seem to work like supposed to.

    *If you clicked on "Disagree" on those initial "We value your privacy"/cookie popup things, it makes Skylab transport not work.

    Personally dunno if this is sole issue or if there is also other complicated issues, but it's for sure not clear or said anywhere that clicking "Disagree" would break core functions/features... nor should it be like this at all, unless is a complicted issue to fix/not that simple.
  2. got the same problem cookie settings not even working for me even firefox is not working for me
  3. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Same, can't even open Cookie Settings where it actually works, clicking on it does nothing. Looks like their cookie windows are really broke now. >.>
    (well Skylab still works for me somehow, which makes harder to try find any other way to make it work again. Though the ways I find keep getting broke lol)

    Web browsers seem luck of the draw if they'll work, but trying multiple comfortable with might find one that works. (until this gets fixed, whenever that'll be)
    IANIS19 likes this.
  4. Vizoro

    Vizoro User

    Done this, no help, still not working !!!

    This don't work 7-8 days now!
    Every time, when i try to send my resources to ship, i get this:
    ..and need to reload, or start client again!
    It is same in client and browser!
    And i have enough space (11000) to send that amount, but even if i try to send only 1, result is the same, no change at all !!
    What is going on??
  5. Rikito

    Rikito User

    Having the same issue, started a few days ago. I tried clearing the cache, reset the cookies and nothing (I tried both in browser and in the launcher, it works nowhere). It's sad to see that an issue like this that lasts for months is completely overlooked apart from the fact that "they know about it"
  6. It is not working again for more than a week now, i've contacted support 3 times and they are only telling me that they know about the problem and are working on it, which i think is a lie. All i am asking is for Bigpoint to fix this problem because i really need the seprom. It is a big part of the game. I'm not the typo of player to pay for everything so i rely on the transporting module. Please fix this problem i like this game but with this ussue i cannot play very much because i am burning all my seprom on the lasers and i'm destroying my progress. I have left only 500k seprom on lasers. I pay for premium and other stuff all i am asking is for this just one problem to be fixed.
    ☺chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  7. Vizoro

    Vizoro User

    Still don't work, and none respond from relevants !!:eek::mad::(
    ☺chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  8. It's crazy how "they value my privacy" but when I don't consent to cookies they take away skylab. It's crazy how skylab is even connected to cookies now, it wasn't for a long time. It's even more crazy how it works in my browser that has multiple anti tracking cookie supressing addons and settings.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 20, 2024
  9. mealone

    mealone User

    i have this problem all over two weeks, can't send sep to my ship, when wil it be fixed???
    ☻chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  10. same issue here, has been going on for atleast a couple of days for me. luckily i stocked up on a lot of minutes for my generators but that will run out eventually, if this keeps up much longer i'll be all out of minutes, which would suck :(
  11. SmoKe26FU

    SmoKe26FU User

    Good evening,

    Coming to the forums myself since I am experiencing this exact issue and making sure the game team is aware that this is not fixed.
    Tried clear cache, Firefox, Cookies settings, everything I read in these 5 pages tried's completely broken.

    Gentle reminder, Skylab is an important aspect of the game and it's causing major negative effects on everyone, unfortunately myself included.

    Can we please have an update?

    Thank you.
  12. i gonna try now edit i recive this Not Found
    [The requested URL was not found on this server.]
  13. The important thing is that you know about the problem and work on it. I've noticed that things happen very slowly, but they happen sooner or later. No matter how much we try to show our disappointment, there's no point. Patience, that's what the game is built on.
  14. If anyone has a skylab problem try this...log into Dark Orbit with Firefox go to skylab...Then log into Dark Orbit using the client as if you were going to play. Go back to Dark Orbit on Firefox and skylab now try to send ore over. It should work as a work around for those who have transport problems. Hope you find this works.
  15. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    Doesn't work for me.
  16. Many use Firefox and does not work but added the Brave browser does. This info comes from Dark Orbit Discord and some have found work arounds to problems.
  17. killer522

    killer522 User

    I have the same problem about a month ago. As soon as I click transfer to skylab, it brings up a white page with a 404 error. The problem is very strange because it happens with all the computers and all the accounts darkorbit connected to my house router. The same computers, at the neighbor's house or other friends router, works normally, there skylab has no problem! What is going on?
  18. could be an issue with your router like you stated being behind a firewall and not accessing the page. Call your ISP tech help and ask if there is a firewall with router and if it can be shut off for your router!
  19. eri29

    eri29 User

    wy tray ageyn no work
  20. eri29

    eri29 User

    tray ageyn no work my skayp

    wat kena do no work my skayp
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 11, 2024