Transport Module Crashing the Game!

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by jayherbo, Apr 12, 2024.

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  1. SmoKe26FU

    SmoKe26FU User

    Come on guys, this is shameful and disgraceful at this point, the highest form of ignorance I ever received from any game team, heck, even a girl replies after 2 days of keeping a person in seen.
    Skylab worked for thousands of years, why is it so hard to get it fixed?

    At least let us know that the ONLY GUY in the entire company that can fix it is on Christmas Holiday in the Bahamas...that way at least we know we are only seeing Seprom again in January.

    How about sending 1000 Seprom on a weekly basis to affected players as compensation for taking so long for an essential aspect of the game? 1000 Seprom is barely OK to keep our Shields and 10 rockets a week upgraded.

    Give us an update already!