Trial of Terrors Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Oct 15, 2024 at 3:00 PM.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Trial of Terrors Event. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Please stop editing the old FAQ. Even if the rewards are mostly identical, it helps to know precisely what's changed. Just create a new thread like most other events...

    Weird that the ToT boxes are named Box A, Box B, then Box 3 in the FAQ. Inconsistent.

    The FAQ doesn't tell us how many lives we get in the event gate.

    ToT Box 3 rewards are terrible. It's only got I-Oil going for it. It'd be nice if the ammo was something else, such as JOB or the event SBL ammos.

    Drone Box dropping small amounts of A-BL ammo is really sad. A-BL is plentiful in the game.

    Drone Box says 'Frost', but the actual design's called 'Hailstorm'.

    The recipes are exactly the same as previous years'. Consider a lot of players won't have anything worthwhile to craft. There are other level 4 P.E.T. AI protocols that haven't been available for over 6 years, such as Cargo Expansion and HP. Why not shuffle the rewards a little every year. Or make new rewards...

    Suggest adding some generally useful rewards for people that have all the protocols to spend their golden corn on. E.g. recipe to craft JOB ammo.

    XH01 modules aren't even good. They shouldn't cost 10 keys each, in my opinion.

    Every battlepass has this problem that most ammo isn't worth crafting. SBL is nice ammo, but 10 keys for a mere 10k of it is a joke.

    Odd that the battlepass boxes don't have previous years' ship designs.

    The A-BL ammo in battlepass boxes is just sad. It's a problem with every battlepass. Hear me out. I know Halloween has a trick or treat bonus with the 1 kyhalon/tetrathrin/bifenon in boxes, but A-BL isn't that. It's a wasted key every event throughout the year.

    Astral suggestion:
    Let us craft a set of XA01 modules every time Astral rankings happen. It sucks that it's locked to seasonal.

    Login calendar suggestion:
    Change the Red Robo Bat design reward to something else. It's been 5x Red Robo Bat designs since Halloween 2021. This is laziness.
  3. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    The Curcubitor event will spawn curcubitors at the following times:
    • Monday - Friday: between 19:00 to 23:00 everyday (4h)
    another event that doesn't include the early morning players. some us have no way to play at night, we have real lifes. so to not include us is pretty much tell us we don't matter. always the same thing. i stop paying to play after the server mergers, because of the lost of game perks that happen with no reguard to the time zone transfer. it's about time you fix the issue of not treating the early morning players like they are part of the game.