[UI] A few ideas

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ender-Of-Worlds, Jul 28, 2020.

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  1. it would be nice if there was a booster or a module which would make collecting palladium from 1 unit to 2 units a pull also would be nice to see a new drone formation

    which gives 10 percent damage to NPC but 5 percent damage in PVP 10%| sheilds but a trade off 10% speed loss and 10% rocket damage loss formation would cost around 80k uridium but lets it craftable in an event or something

    make LF4 craftable for us lower players who are finding it hard to get them but make them quite difficult to craft like use rinsk and rsb and whites plus schism

    put the resouces like scrap in auction and let us bid for them with credit like put 10 scrap in an auction every hour would give something for players to spend the credits on

    make x2 buyable for credits lets say 3m credits per 1000 x2 so players can do more damage but it isnt profitable for them to shoot x2 all the time
  2. LF4s are good as is. You eaaaassilly get plenty from the log-in bonuses, Kappa gate, and even MORE now from booty boxes with the keys you use from Zetas while going for your Zeus & Apis