Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Λℓмоѕт•Fαмоυѕ, Oct 24, 2019.

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  1. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Interesting mechanic, thanks for showing it clearly! I do still feel like speed is a deciding factor when it comes to the usefulness of the Berserker though. But perhaps the real game breaker is the Cyborg and the fact that people aren't willing to change their ship type to discover something new. Maybe they should create an event where underused ships have some kind of advantage or are the only ones you can use. Of course this creates the problem of not everyone having the ship but still. There has got to be some kind of way to move people away from the Cyborg.

    Perhaps Singularity is just too powerful...
  2. It's like a 450 damage nuke over 28 seconds.. What other ship can do that much damage? It's over half your HP pool and if you got no E.M.P it's a very easy strategy to win fights.

    I actually think some people play the Cyborg wrong. Using heart is better than ring, ring just reduces your damage and is honestly just bad on the ship imo... Anyway, yeah an event to change how the game is played would be nice.
  3. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Yeah the whole psychological mechanic of stopping your opponent from using an EMP because he may need it later is devastating...
  4. Beserker is the one ship in the game that should never be buffed and never have any modules created that it could use.
  5. EZYpzy123

    EZYpzy123 User

    Ok, I read that shield damage would be reflected. What happens if you put one of those -50% shield mines on yourself, would this damage be instantly reflected onto your opponent?
  6. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Sounds like someone is getting creative :p
  7. This reminds me of when people swore the citadel was trash because it only had 7 lasers and was slower. I took on entire clans with that 1 ship and still can. Our success in the game with these new ships is measured in how far we are willing to leave our comfort zone of configs to actually find the sweet spot for these ships. If you cant enjoy the ship then you just don`t understand the game yet.;)
  8. EZYpzy123

    EZYpzy123 User

    I always try to find something that can be exploited.:D Haha like the Mimesis. I'm still sad they nerfed the ship. It was the only way solo players could stand against multiple ships. :(
  9. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Yeah it was great and so was the Tartarus (and I am not saying that because I fly Spearhead all the time xD)
  10. tl;dr : nerfs sucks