[UI] Distress Call CPU

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º, Mar 6, 2019.

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  1. This idea randomly popped into mind while watching some old DarkOrbit videos. And I see a lot of people who complain about how it's hard to play and there's people always destroying them, and they want map protections, this that, all that cry baby stuff that ruins a PVP GAME. So here is an idea to help the newbies, if this isn't acceptable to them, then they have no hope lol.

    A Distress Call CPU, just as the name implies, a CPU that when activated, Same Company players will receive a ping on their map indicating where help is needed. However, some specific features are needed to avoid abuse and getting the wrong people farmed in the process.

    1: The CPU is only able to be used if you are in a PvP situation. Not on NPCs, so it will need to be set to recognize a player in combat with another player, and a player in combat with an NPC.
    2: The only people able to receive this Distress Call are levels 18 and up. By level 18 if you aren't a total scrub, you should be capable of handling most PvP situations, and be at a decent build. I'm not sure what levels are like these days, I honestly would say 20 but no idea how easy that is now.
    3: (Up for Discussion) There COULD be a player Level Limit to it as well, like once you're level 20 you no longer need the CPU and usage will be deactivated. Again, that option is up for discussion if we don't want EVERYONE just throwing it around.

    The CPU could be unlimited, but at the same time, I don't feel like it should be. And as it's supposed to be valuable, I feel it should cost some Uridium.

    Cost: 5,000 U.
    Usage: 20 Distress Calls

    Realistically the Devs can discuss those numbers, I'm merely giving an idea.
  2. Realistically any non-ufe player will be dead a second after they activate this cpu. Even if they’re not, given the numerous mcc clans that dominate its more than likely the hunter in question is running with a group of same/different company users as the person using the beacon, only pinpointing their location for the whole squad.

    On dead servers it’ll do nothing, on active ones it’s a death sentence, either way the chances it’ll actually be worth the cost are basically none.
  3. I think it's an okay idea but there is potential for abuse towards newer or weaker players. If they set a certain level bar so people level 11 cant be directly targeted by an entire company it would be good.

    They also got to make it a global message. Because in the X-2 map no one would see this and they would just waste charges.
  4. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Really not much point to this sort of thing, although it sounds great in theory in practice most of the time it isn't going to help much.
    1. Activate call for help cpu - you're already dead by the time someone responds.
    2. The group attacking you has members from your company in it due to MCC, so anyone coming to your aide can only shoot maybe one or two of the 5 or 6 you are being shot at by.
    3. Have you ever been involved in a fight near a portal and noticed the 6 or more members of your own company who just sit and watch.
    4. Sadly "company" means nothing in the game today, I'm convinced that if for some reason the company tag disappeared from players names many couldn't tell you what company they belonged to. They belong to X=X clan, not a company.
  5. Well first off, MCC aren't that big of a deal, people need to lay off that complaint, get good or get out.
    Second, not everyone hunting is going to be a monster, some are just peons looking for kills, and newbies get caught by them, it's useful to them as well.

    If by global message, you mean the Notification that appears at the top, yeah, that could be used, they need to adjust text though, I went on one day and the text was so damn small I couldn't tell what clan base died to whom.

    That happened before MCCs became as big as they currently are... lol
  6. It has nothing to do with being good, it's a general problem with the game because your own company attack you more than allies do, so you are wrong unfortunately.

    Also no, it didn't. MCC only became an issue when servers got inactive for a bit during 2014 because of the 2013 ban wave. Most the time they don't watch, they just shoot you which is stupid. Completely destroys the idea of even having three companies.
  7. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Actually in the early days before the advent of today's MCC if an enemy player or group came into the maps players would band together to kill them or chase them out. You didn't have 1 or 2 enemy with 5 or 6 of your company helping them like you do today. If this and this alone were curtailed by harsh penalties for shooting at your own company, the game would change I believe for the better.
    I'll fight any enemy any time - win or lose - but that is not how the game goes today. You attack or get attacked by one enemy and 5 or 6 of your own company will kill you, with no consequences...
    Not an hour ago I was in 1-BL shooting attends and stumbled across a 2 star from EIC who decided he wanted to pop me, I engaged him only to discover he had 4 MMO with him, I was dead before I could switch configs. 1v1 I'd have had a chance 5vs1 well lets just say - If that's PVP it ain't what it used to be.

    It is always hard talking about how bad the dominating MCC are to the game when that person belongs to an MCC clan.

    I've spent a lot of time and a considerable amount of money to build my account/s up and am really annoyed at the lack of interest for the state of the game shown by the owners and developers of the game
  8. Well, this "Distress Call CPU" is a pretty good idea, because when I hit a map they NEED it :D

    I'm a solo hunter and have been all along. Sometimes I will join in with a few ol' friends for a hunt but I'm so use to fighting alone I've become accustomed to it and get confused a bit when cruising with others :confused:

    I do agree that this multi-company clan stuff is just crap. I hate it when a same company player helps an enemy to fight me. I hate it so much that I am more than willing to take negative honor to slaughter those same company punks.

    I shouldn't have to take on negative honor to kill morons. If I send a war and slaughter the enter clan two things go against me, I get zero Rank Points and those war kills don't count towards ship kills in hall of fame.

    Dark Orbit should discontinue this multi-company clan crap OR give Rank Points and Ship Kill Counts in Hall of Fame simple as that.

    104,087 and counting :cool:


    PS: Good Idea

    Ideas shape the course of history
    Sgt_Ocker likes this.
  9. For me this has no sense.

    With actual dmg, before someone comes to help you, you die 3 times ♥
  10. If and that's a big IF, the players in this game would become once again "Company" players this CPU could and should summon same company players to your location/map preventing you from dying a 4th and 5th time.

    It's 2019 people, lets get our act together and start "HELPING" our own company players. If you depend on Global Chat to summon people for help you will be waiting until 2020 for a ship to come and force out the enemy.

    Good Idea I think.

    PS: I remember back in the day, the days of GR clan, we would devote one hour per night for all clan members to fly together to each and every map in the lowers and push out any and all enemy. We had a pretty good system going we would have a strong member at each port on both sides of the port and as the enemy got to the port they met a hard hitter and seldom survived.

    I kinda miss those days of good team work. For a full hour we cleared our lowers maps and made it better for lower and novice level players to gain some EP/Honor and Uri. It caught on pretty good because we had quite a few other clans of our company helping and it became a "FUN" thing to do. Eventually that 1 hour of dedication to OUR company became 2 and 3 hours of protection and help.

    There is no "I" in "Team"


    We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2019
    Sgt_Ocker and thor714 like this.
  11. I remember grouping up and flying the maps often clearing them out.

    As for the rest still on about Multi Company Clans, me and FT played one of the biggest servers, he still does, and we've dealt with, I in particular have no honor on my main account because of all the same company kills I have for such reasons. So no, MCC's aren't a problem, you just make it a problem for yourself.

  12. honor mission.. An Honorable Mention cancel or complete all open missions, this mission will show, it's the fast track to + honor ;)

    Ya We had a blast eh :D


    "Arrogance and Attitude are no match for Experience"