[UI] GDPR - I can't find a way to download my personal information

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by joost007, May 12, 2020.

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  1. joost007

    joost007 User

    I would like to download my personal data. However I cannot seem to find a way to do so.
  2. Are you talking about the data stored of you by Bigpoint? You will need to contact their support to do so. Nothing can be done through the forums.


    Do keep in mind that Bigpoint is no longer a European company; it has been purchased by a Chinese company called Youzu. GDPR may have no power over it, as they are not part of the European Union.
  3. GDP regulation applies to anyone who is an EU citizen, regardless of where companies are in the world. This is why you'll sometimes find yourself unable to access US websites if you are from an EU country, because those who operate those sites cannot be bothered to conform to the regulation, thus they opt out of serving the content to you at all.

    For what it's worth, although Bigpoint may now be a subsidiary of YOOZOO Games, they are still a German company as that's where they operate from.

    Additionally, China's laws on data collection and processing are far far more strict than something like GDPR to the point where it's almost a joke.
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