[UI] Laser Craft

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by •§YŊΞRGY•Фƒ•ØRBЇŦ•, Jan 9, 2018.

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  1. I had the idea of adding laser craft to the sky lab you collect materials from aliens
    to craft lasers with status effects like fire, ice, lightning and poison ect and having a combination system where you can combine two or three types of the lasers all with different colors and firing patterns or just buy them with uri for lazy people
  2. this isnt world of warcraft . plus that would cause evn more game inbalance then this game already has . you either buy ammo from shop or auction or grind it in gg spins and gates . thats wha makes this game more unique then others. sorry but its a horrible idea
  3. That would be a good idea for for the future :0

    Perhaps after all the nitty gritty glitches and stuff are taken care of :p
  4. New Lasers that fire NEW ammo, lets think about this for a second.

    NO, we have enough different lasers that fire the current ammo (LF-1, MP-1, LF-2, LF-3, LF-4 {5 types}, SL-01, SLL-01, & SLL-02) why complicate the issue with NEW Lasers, that are crafted, firing ammo that needs to be crafted, JUST NO. I will agree we do need recipes that use NORMAL Cargo Drops but this is not the answer for that need.
  5. I don`t see how it would cause more imbalance seems as everyone would be able to craft them GG gates are the best way to get ammo
    right now but there is not much variation in the ammo just x1-4 no status effects like we have on a few select rockets fire ammo that burns
    dmg over time or lighting ammo that weekens electronics /shields or ice ammo slowing your fire rate of laser and rockets would be a decent way to add more variation to the fire fights im not saying these have to be the effect of the ammo just some examples

    having different types of ammo to combat your enemies would mean that having times x4 or rsb ammo may not always be the best choice to use in a fire
    fight think of a scenario where a x3 ice ammo user could beat a x4 /rsb ammo user this would give the people who save there status ammo
    a greater chance to win in a fire fight and if the ammo can only be gained by craft or bought on a rare event it would make it the most valuable ammo in game to be saving they did the same sort of thing with rsb ammo but now its become to easy to get a hold of and it holds no value any more having to spend time in certain zones to gain the resources to craft the ammo would make the game more engaging
    for people who realy like the pvp aspect and add an incentive for those who dont like it so much

    you could even go so far as to make each faction have one of the crafting components for the ammo`s close to their bases so you would have to either stealth or group play to farm it if each of the status ammo had equal value to the user like game content that can only be completed with such ammo like maps that have aliens that you could farm seprom (example) from or even galaxy gates that can only
    be completed with these ammo`s or near impossible with standard x4 the rewards of the gates could contain such things as actual laser that have a small % base of the status effects

    Edit all the standard aliens would need 100% resists to the status effects its would be pointless to use staus ammo on such aliens any way

    just some of my ideas please comment add add your own feedback
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
  6. In the SkyLab you are talking about a TECH ITEM, I still say NO. Even when it is PvP only and only able to be purchased during "Special Times". We had ammo like this and it was only available after Happy Hours, then they released the ammo caps, allowing you to buy as much as you could afford (not just store) and the wallets went wild and now it seems to be available all of the time.

    We don't get enough of the Assembly System Ores to craft those items and now you want to "Craft" "Special Ammo" in the Tech Center using yet another Special Ore. The only people going to use this is going to be the wallets who could buy it from SHOP and that is the IMBALANCE if the Game, the Wallets Win Again.
  7. Not just one ore multiple all on different factions maps and it doesnt have to go into the assembly it could go into the sky lab under tech items

    And it doesnt need to go into the shop or be buyable with uri in the tech we know what happend with the rsb ammo

    I dont know how you got the title of Emperor of the forum but shutting peoples ideas
    down like the way you do is useless try adding in constructive criticism and adding
    useful ideas like maby how to stop an even biger imbalance between players
    while trying to get some decent content for the player base
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
    MujtabaZakria likes this.