[UI] Mine Npc

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by {-€FSANE_AT€Ş-}, Dec 10, 2017.

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  1. Scrap, mucosom... very hard collect from normal npc this is my solution

    Mine Npc
    • Mine npc take out every 30 minutes if there is a Mine creation in the map and there is not one more mine creation in the same map
    • Mine creatures When destroyed, a special box falls. There are 3 different Grade boxes. More Mine falls from this special box.

    Grade NPC NameThe amount of mine falling from the box
    1Lordakia and Saimon4
    2Devolarium and Kristallin8
    3Kristallon and Lordakium10

    Mine Lordakia
    • It appears every 30 minutes in the X-2 map
    Mine saimon
    • It appears every 30 minutes in the X-4 map
    Mine Devolarium
    • It appears every 30 minutes in the X-3 map
    Mine Kristallin
    • It appears every 30 minutes in the X-6 map
    Mine Kristallon
    • It appears every 30 minutes in the X-7 map

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Normal Lordakium -------- Mine Lordakium

    When a mine lordacium is massacred, a box falls from this box
    There are 10 MUCOSOMs from Lordakium's grade 3.
    Gudinden likes this.
  2. How about Mordons, Sibelons, Sibelonits, Steuener's, and SteueneR's along with the Bosses of each. I would also increase the spawn rate to every 10 minutes after their death. This would cover every map and even allow for 1 in x-1, 4 in x-2, 7 in x-3, 7 in x-4, 7 in x-5, 3 in x-6, 4 in x-7, and 2 in x-8. There is even potential to have 20 in the 4-5 map when including the Uber's, again all NPC's have a timer activated upon death of 10 minutes for re-spawn. These are located just like their normal counterparts so people with PET Enemy Locator do not have a better advantage of finding them.