[UI] Old Client Back

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Frates, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Frates

    Frates User

    Darkorbit is loosing more and more player everyday and the game it self getting boring. Very little to do almost no pvp happens at all. My suggestion is bring back the old client(07-10). this was the heyday of darkorbit and the best. It will bring back players. A lot of us miss the old client. i dont necessary need to bring that exact client back. You can updated to have some of the good stuff this client has like a outfit group. I want to see more people play this game and thinking going back to the heyday will help with that

    VESPID User

    No it won't, the game is what it is now because of it.
    pvp is still possible, just hunt down the top 10 in ur server.
  3. there's no point of getting up the world spins forward buddy.. We'll just face the reality certain things happen we dint liken..I wish this Christmas there will be quest that the reward is LF4
  4. They are trying to address the server population issue with the cross server map that they are testing now. There have been many requests and even a mention of creating a retro server that have fallen by the wayside. The players who have left the game have left for many reasons and most of them will not return at all. I know several players that were pulling away but still playing ocassionally but have since completley left the game and not planning on a return to D O.

    Issues like constant LAG and the MCC same company attacks along with the Pay to Play requirement of the game is sending even more away from the game.
    oversoulpaul likes this.