[UI] Premium benefits

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by »ƒĹØЯΣИŦ-Ķ§«™, May 6, 2017.

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  1. Hello why DO dont change premium so it would be fair to players that dont have it.
    But only for things that give u bonus in fighting.Idk how is fair to one player shoot more rockets then other even if they both have same equipment.I know that prem is there to give u some benefits but make it fair.
  2. ...WAR...

    ...WAR... User

    nice ideea but if they change that for all players why then buy the premium ? the rocket time is one of most importand think for premium.
    500 space no longer need cause od the citadel.5sec log out i can wait for 15 more :).and 5% disc that the second good for premium.
    if they remove rocket times everyone will buy the 25% disc package and not premium.now they buy both.:)
  3. Actually the most important thing about premium comes with not having to pay every time you or your pet dies. That uri for using Kami can add up fast and regenerating at the base keeps you far away from what you are trying to do.

    It would be nice if they put the rocket fire on the same level for all players. Not everyone is, or can, buy anything for various reasons. A kid that is playing the game should not be further handicapped in the damage scheme just because their parents won't open up their credit card. The players will already be behind for a while when it comes to bio and equipment. Things such as rate of fire should not be a punishment for free players.
    theOtherKey and PuckerUp like this.
  4. snuffout

    snuffout User

    This is only a free game to get you in, not just put here for the love of mankind. It is a business and fairness comes at a price. Fairness is that you can buy what I can, if you catch it just right maybe at a better deal. But eliminate the perks and the folks stop buying. The money flow stops and soon after so does the game! As you have undoubtedly heard more than once "Nothing in life is free"
    user3212 likes this.
  5. I agree with PSKSUNDANCE, remove the rocket benefit from premium, so all shoot with the same rate, but keep all the other futures as they are