[UI] Supporting new players and restoring the meaning of team play.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -baghira2-, Aug 27, 2018.

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  1. -baghira2-

    -baghira2- User


    I will probably not be doing the right thing, but I would like to ask the moderators to do that immediately.
    What's the big problem DO? Empty maps even when connecting servers when the game is choppy. I have a few suggestions to help. New players must recruit BP, but we can keep them as well.

    They relate to team games and support for newcomers and weaker players.
    Maybe it will look like a personal confession, and it will be a little bit too. But if you have a little patience, we get to the point.

    Everybody says how difficult the beginnings were. I know it myself. When I started with DO there was not so much fun. Who had gone, full lf3, and eight Iris-was the master, who had the golden design for it-he was a god. It was making it harder, it was much more expensive, the credits were not visible, and when you overpowered you were unlucky. I started on CZ1, flying on Bigboy with full flax and lf2. I was flying alone and the game stopped talking to me. The upper maps were the sky and the lower ones for those who stood at the ground. Occasionally someone descended with Golim, shot down a few weaker men and came back. And while there were not so many things, the game was better for a lot of players. At the time, I did not know about the top maps until I was down to 4.4. It was just Spaceball. I have died several times. And there I saw them. Elite! Clan Borg. 4 top clan. I had enough to shoot everyone and so I wrote to their members. They took me to myself and showed the top maps, and at that moment I started playing again because I did not ride myself but with them.
    Why was the game better? X.7 maps were full. The player had to fly for 10 minutes to find free VK. There were no groups and yet the players were flying in the teams. It worked. One of you, one self. And there were plenty of players. When there were players, 50 or more people from one company met and went to fly the maps. Within a few minutes, the same groups formed in the other companies, and then it was a maze. There were queues in the Invasion Gate. The last invasion gate I was in was completely different. I was there 3. It wants to revive the team spirit DO. When I go to play online, it's because I can play with other players. I do not like it myself! And I think I'm not alone.
    When I write the support of newcomers, I do not want to take them udium and other things up, down there. That's what we get.

    Support for newcomers
    1. The impossibility of shooting a player into a particular lvl on X.2, X.3 and X.4 of his company if he does not shoot first.
    -Let's say lvl 14 or 15, when he's already able to get to the top maps. Not every game will be excited when it is shot down at one shot and over and over and over again. When he is under protection for a few days and will play for a few days, he finds that DO is fun and not just permanent death.
    Positive - Keeping newcomers
    Negative - Players who have fun are angry.

    Support for newcomers
    2.Klan's rewards for lvl novice.
    Why not support older players to make new players better? Sounds strange, I'll explain. It does not pay for it all, but many old players are flying alone and they do not want to help anyone anymore. The newbie plays alone, after several hours and x shooting down, the game stops talking. When an older player helps a new, weak one, it is time, ammunition and others. Why not compensate him and encourage him to help?
    For each player who can help clan to reach 18lvl (I would have maybe 20 for it to discourage those who would make new bets to their clan's advantage), all clan members will receive 1% honor and bz per month . (the reward may be different, 10,000 uridium, 10,000 white ammunition, week booster, 4lvl 1% damage - just anything that makes it stronger to help the weaker)

    Example: Taking a player 6lvl. Upon completion of 18 lvl, the clan will receive 12% honor and bz per month. I'll collect 10lvl + 8% per month. I will pick up 17lvl, after 18lvl + 1% per month. I throw the player for 17lvl, I will not get anything. I'll pick up the player for 10 lvl, I'll throw it off for 15 lvl, then I'll pick up again. The previous bonus is lost and gets only 3%.
    Positive - Supporting weaker players with stronger, weaker players will be under stronger competition from a competitive company, engaging newcomers to a team (clan), supporting stronger rewards, older players will be able to do something other than just the gates.
    Negative - I do not see, perhaps, only filling the maps with new players and thus the inability to do cubi separately
    Team play

    3. Group and clan tasks.
    They are daily tasks, normal tasks, challenges, and more. Why not do group tasks?
    These tasks would only be performed in a group of 3 or more people. Let the players start flying again. Let them have new things they can do together. Let the maps fill.
    And when they are group, why not clan? Dependency of the reward would be to complete the task of the whole clan. Clans throw out inactive players, for example, just to be in the top. Because if they have an inactive player, they will never fulfill the task, creating a place for new active players (see Design 2). To accomplish the task, it would take a time limit that would be longer, not everyone is still there. And stronger would once again help the weaker to accomplish the task, and they all received a reward.
    Positive - Other things that players can do, re-introducing the meaning of team play.
    Negative - I do not think anything

    Support for weaker players and others
    4. Clan Wars Restrictions
    Today and a day it happens that a few weaker players will go to cubes. There will be a top player from the top clan, or even more, and because he wants cubi for himself, he throws the weaker players a war and shoots them out of there. Or tell them the war just for fun. How many times such players do not really fly because they are being shot by a top clan. And he will not be alone.

    I would limit the possibility of war to a maximum of 5 wars.
    Example: This clan does this daily. Once someone is in the cubes, he declares war. But he did it five times. Six can no longer - you can not declare war on this clan, your clan has reached the maximum number of wars. (So wait: D). Or the top player will come and want to declare a war, but the weaker clan has been so disliked by others and already has 5 wars - you can not declare war on this clan, this clan has reached the maximum number of wars. (So wait until somebody finishes).
    When you want war, let it for the stronger.

    Positive - Support for weaker clans and clans with less people when it will not be able to shoot the whole company
    Negative - Players who do this all the time will be unlucky. They will not be able to shoot as many players in their company and will have to push their nose into competing companies to shoot down players
    Well, but a lot of the clan is now multifire. They call the players from another company, the one who shoots them and they do it. This is dealt with by two other points.

    Support weaker clans and clans with less people. Preservation of companies.
    5. Minus honor for firing into a player of your own company.
    This does not apply to the war !!!!
    What business are today. When I wanted a clan that was with another company, it cost me 5000 pounds and half my honor. Today it is different, thanks to multifire clans.
    The problem arose earlier, but it was not so much a problem. You previously called a friend from another company to shoot you the player you wanted to get rid of. With multifire clans, this has become the rule. Therefore, I would introduce a minus honor for shooting to a player of the same company who will die for a minute. Anyone who fired into a given player would have a whimsical honor for a shot. Let him shoot the first, third, or tenth. As soon as a player bangs, everyone will be credited with honor, of course, except for a player from a foreign company. Do you want to shoot your own? Shoot, but do not damage the company, but yourself! You called someone from a foreign company, so he'd shoot it yourself. That he does not give it himself, so you have bad luck. You can help him and go to minus, or you have to split.

    Positive - support for company clans against multi-fire, support for company preservation - when EIC
    can not shoot EIC, VRU can not VRU and MMO can not MMO without having no war.
    Negative - Players who like to shoot their own business, instead of strangers, would be unlucky

    Support for business retention
    6. Canceling Multifire Clans
    I personally would be for. At this point, they're out of the game for companies that do not mean anything.
    However, some see it differently and if point 5 were to come into force, practically they would not have to abolish it.
    If I remember, the assignments had to be canceled due to the transfer. I would try to avoid being disturbed because somebody has long-term tasks and probably would not want to start again.

    Positive - Businesses would start to mean something again and it would be a company against the company.
    Negative - Multifire clans would have to say where to go and some would lose some honor
    Together for BP

    Positive - overall, on some points, I see improvements that could keep current players from playing with the game the first day and the possibility of returning old players who would have something to do.
    Negative - Some players' pissing and perhaps programming.

    Citated: from the player tyggrrr and from cz1 server.
    I would like to know, how many players with this proposal actually liked.
    I would be grateful if you agreed this proposal and moved higher, toward BP. Thanks.
  2. There is already protection for new players, unless they removed it because of people abusing it to cheat their accounts up through just box botting instead of npc botting. And those levels are too high. It's a PvP game, you honestly can't complain that much, I have made serveral new accounts and never had as many issues as some of the people I see complaining.

    Clans should not be limited in wars, again, PvP game, war is a major part of it, honestly War keeps some servers alive, you take it away, and goodbye some servers.

    Multifire clans? Do you mean MULTI COMPANY clans? That accept all companies? Those have been around the whole time lol.

    Honestly, how many of you have only been in this game for a year or less? Game is 9 years old, some of these features have been in place for years, many of us adapted to it, it's not hard, you jsut choose to beg for it to be easier because you can't survive in a PvP game.