[UI] Update to blue booty boxes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BMλŋ916-ƒliesUSƒlaǧ, Jul 18, 2015.

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  1. Well as most already have citadel,spear, and aegis...I don`t really see the point of allowing the system to spam us with these ships, especially when people spend money for special keys to have a better chance for lf4s.

    So my suggestion is to either allow us to trade these ships in for a 3rd of their value in uri or simply code the system to not allow us to find these ships any more.Like how we can not bid on designs we already own form auction house.
    Tarron likes this.
  2. I disagree. There are still many who don't have aegis and citadel and sometimes spear. I dint think they should be able to be traded in as otherwise they would be spam-bid on for uri. A cred-to-uri conversion isn't happening. I do think the chances for them should be removed if you already have that ship or all of them.
  3. relax

    relax User

    That's what he said.. in the end
    Have a nice day.
  4. I don`t recall using designs or ships from auction as a way to gain these designs so they can be traded for uri...Only ships from blue boxes can be traded for 1/3 of their value 300,000 uri for cit is 100,000 uri at 1/3 the value.If you dont have citadel,aegis or spear then the option to trade in is not possible so selling a biding on these wont work.After all you do buy the keys with $$ and there for it has value with that purchase, it would only make sense to be able to trade in your spare citadel or simply not see it from blue boxes anymore when you already have it.You don`t see apis parts when you already have all 45 parts....So either we can trade in ships for 1/3 of value or simply not seem them after we already have 1 in our hangar.
  5. Ship off to uri sales would get abused REAL fast....so, No...credits lessens the abuse.
  6. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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