[UI] Uri Banking System for Zeus & Apis Drones

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Odin®, Aug 18, 2018.

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  1. Odin®

    Odin® User

    It would be nice to be able to Purchase Uridium Packets that can ONLY be used for the building of the Zeus & Apis Drones/Irises ...
    Quantity equals [1]Maximum Packet Purchase per week of 150,000 Uridium at a cost of $15.95 per packet.
    These are stack-able with no expiration date and can only be used for the building of the above mentioned items. These Packets cannot be used with any other Offer or Deal such as a mega-happy hour.
    They can be obtained in the Shop ,Thru Special Purchase Offers , or may be obtained in/on the Tech/Upgrade page. These Packets do not negate any Apis/Zeus parts already allocated to the Apis,Zeus Drones ...
    xXkingspartin119Xx likes this.
  2. There is such thing as self control with your spending. Since you can already buy uri, whether normal or special price, just watching your spending, weekly, would get you those drones you are after.
  3. Odin®

    Odin® User

    True, but what I am suggesting is similar to a banking account ... you have your Checking Account and your Savings Account. Your checking account is the daily operations and the savings account is your wish list/collage funds . and I just enjoy the [REMOVED] out of your siggy .. Have fun and be safe PSKSUNDANCE
    PSKSUNDANCE likes this.
  4. So, what I'm getting is... You have no control over your spending? lol
  5. Odin®

    Odin® User

    yes you do have control over your spending... these are packets you can purchase / subscriptions that work on the direct building of the Apis/Zeus ... It gives a buyer a choice on where they wish to spend their money ... Heck DO has that Super Uri pack of 1.5m uridium for 49.99 once a month. My packs/idea would be for sale daily in the Shop under the Drones folder/section. The pricing , amount of uri and limitations are arbitrary [open for discussion]
  6. thor714

    thor714 User

    i may be wrong but i think dream was talking about "personal control"of their money or uri. a burning a hole in their pocket kinda thing.
    Odin® likes this.
  7. Odin®

    Odin® User

    I kinda figured that ... It boils down to the I want to change my mind and use that uri for something else :)
    thor714 likes this.
  8. Pretty much lol