[UIP] Auction update

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by kusimitama, May 12, 2022.

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  1. kusimitama

    kusimitama User

    Auction has not been updated since 2014. There are so many new items, lasers, munition, ships that could and should be added that i can't even count it but I will give it a try.:

    Rocket launcher ammunition ( all ), mines (all) , Booty keys, Laser ammunitions: Job-100, CBO-100, IDB-125, SBL-100, PIB-100 (CC-C, RBS-75 and UCM-100 could be added too). Rockets: PLD-8, DRC-250, WIZ-X(for fun) DBR-1211, (all the others too, rockets are not that significant like ammo).

    These should also be added: Basic 5 Techs, Pusat in weekly, Taurus in weekly, Pet fuel should be added, Cooldown booster, Hardware (H-MT and the others). Rare resources: small amounts of Schism, diametron, dark silver, rinusk in daily or weekly, LF-4 in daily (its not a special weapon anymore.. its practically useless).Seprom. Other resources: scrap, plasmid, mukozum etc..

    It would be nice to see higher amount of ammunitions in daily (10K laser, 500 rocket) and weekly auction (100K laser, 10K rocket).

    People would start to use their kredit again. Today (except for beginners) people only buy: boosters, logfiles, and 50 use cloack CPU. Everything else has 0 contest on them.
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