[UIP] hey i got a idea for cross platform sorport with unity surport

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ashtiboy, Jun 10, 2021.

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  1. ashtiboy

    ashtiboy User

    hey i got a good idea for cross platform support!
    we using the unity engine to port dark orbit right?
    there happens to be a verson of unity that uses webgl html5 integration for modern web browsers! but devs did you know that webgl is actually a better and improved version of the unity web player thats been merged with html5 web page encryption https code! so your actually make the unity client of this game actually work on the web bowser to play this game! you don't need to download a client for it to work on all computer platforms! aslo everyone uses uses html5 these days! this will actually you know help make the web bowser game cross platform on linux and mac quite easily!

    ps: this post has been improved to make it easer to under stand! secse i got https and html5 confuses with each other! and by the way devs you know how to make a html5 port of the game! bescue you did it with seafight already! so you got no excuse to do it with darkorbit too!
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2021
  2. atleast you should edit the post bro... i got cofussed in the Third line
  3. Darkorbit is an incredibly old game, and coded in such a way, that it would take a significant amount of time to completely rework--essentially it would be like recreating the game from scratch.

    The better option is to divert the energy into making it a Unity based game, rather than HTML5, as HTML5 has a significantly inferior performance and support capability anyway. Plus, Unity allows you to go onto multiple platforms, not HTML5, so it's possible that Bigpoint may explore console systems for this game.

    All we can hope is that the coding team doesn't add more "bad coding," something that's easily done in Unity because of how easy some parts are :rolleyes:

    It is about time Darkorbit has parted away from being an in-browser game.
  4. ashtiboy

    ashtiboy User

    but here's the thing unity uses html5 to allow it to run in the web browser! and unity doesn't give a care if its on a web browser since it uses html5 to boot the unity game engine on the web browser! html5 is just a web browser capable methion unity uses to run the game! sense webgl= unity+html5 ! by the way code difference between the unity web player and webgl basically use the same code base by the way! we already got a unity desktop version of darkorbit! we just need the unity version of darkorbit to be loaded via the unity html5 as a platform on its own thew the HTTPS protocol! also the fact is that webgl is basically html5 encrypted unity web player thats hard baked into the web pages HTTPS data by the way! like you don't even need to have a separate plugin to run unity via html5! sense its a way for unity to run itself! plus the bigpoint darkorbit devs can just download the unity webgl html5 engine code on the unity editor program like with a few clicks of a few buttons with no need for any thing else! there just no logical or programing reason why theres no unity webgl html5 web browser port yet! they already did it with seafight already! they can do it with darkorbit easily! like bigpoint realy goten no real excuse other then laziness! and they know they can do it to! like come on seafight has been ported the same way and by the way unity webgl sorpots both 2d and 3d bescue its just the unity engine but with html5 as a mediator between the web browser server page and the computers hardware without needing to have a septate file or install program to run! sense the html5 uses the https web page protocall to deliver all the needed data on its own!

    okay first post has been fixed to get the proper correct point i intended to get across! its not my fault that html5 and https are kinda in the same but different layers of web bowser web page code! but i don't get why if bigpoint already made seafight a unity html5 port! then they can do it with darkorbit too! heck they could have done this to battlestar galactica online too! instead of shutting it down too! sense GSBO also run on the unity engine before unity started using html5! BSGO could have been ported to like unity webgl html5 almost in a month!

    plus unity game engine uses html5 for unity webgl web browser games anyway now too! but its unity game engine webgl dong all the work instead of html5! so html5 just helps unity to interface with the web browser through https! while webgl boots the unity game engine to use your computer hardware without needing to download anything client side! so they only need to just have darkorbit unity game engine data hosted on the webpages https server code with the help of html5! and then html5 and unity webgl takes care of the rest for the client without needing the client to do anything other then to load the webpage data itelf! no extra plugins needed no need to download a separate client too!

    and not only that it can be done without messing with the dark orbits web browser pages too all we need to do is just use html5 to allow us to play dark orbit unity port on the web browser with just a click! like come on we all know unity with html5 is the real reason that there's no flash anymore! this is because unity with html5 is just better then flash and is far better and more powerful even in running in a web browser and is a lot more easy to expand and do a lot more things! plus if darkorbit used unity with html5 they would be able to do far more in the web browser like they would with a desktop port anyway without removing the old web browser HTTP address code anyway! which means they would not need to make any more changes then that when they make the unity html5 port! and by they way if they do go to excusly desktop! then they should also port the game engine to mac and linux too! bescue unity is on mac and linux too! also uses the gosh darn game editor program on all those platforms as well! heck i got a mac unity game editor on my computer right now so big point also got no excuse to not make a linux and mac port on desktop as well! by the way the bigpoint darkorbit unity devs can just download the needed unity game engine mac and linux platform sortport code for testing with the unity editor engine code threw the unity editor manager anyway! like it kinda comes with it for gosh darn sakes and it won't even cost bigpoint any extra money to even make a proper unity game engine mac and linux port of the same game engine anyway bescue unity is that multi platform friendly! plus im kind getting tried of seeing bigpoint with is one of the only few very good under rated examples of how pay to win free to play should be done go to waste! like big point despite their flaws at least knew how to do free to play with mcirotasactons far better then ea or other companies to date so far! they just need to get back into the web browser market to get a rebound! my idea is like the only good way to effectively do that without to retool the work on the devs unity game engine that already got anyway! sense the unity html5 kinda useds the game code base that readly is in all the newer version of unity game engine cross platform editor program anway! all they need to do it use the editor they are already using to program the unity desktop windows port and tell the editor manager to download the webgl html5 code to be able to work on the web browser unity port! its like only like 5 simple clicks to get the job started plus i want to test a mac port my self if a have too to help the devs get the mac port started if a have to! like i already got a mac with unity html5 and mac os x waiting to test a darkorbit mac desktop port and a also already got a test server account waiting for a client to work with and by the way i was one of the closed beta testers for BSGO for unity in the past! so i already have done closed beta testing for bigponit before and i can do it again if a have to! all i need to for big point to provide me the means to test a closed beta test of a dark orbit mac port of the game! like come on i don't like it if i can't do the thing i helped bigpoint with in the past! i can do it again if bigpoint justs gives me something for my beta testing past job experience with i had with them in the past to work with ! all im asking is big point devs to like give my beta testing mac experience to work for help with bug fixing and error testing! like i got nothing else to do and i got a mac with both opengl and metal on the same mac to help test for old and new macs for both open gl and metal ssense i got mac os x 10.13.6 witch was the mac os x version that's a in between transition stage between open gl and metal before apple went full metal! and it also has unity html5 and mac os x unity has well so a can both test a web browser unity html5 port and mac os x desktop port all at the same time! heck let me remind you that i was selected my bigpoint in the past to help do a closed beta test of BSGO back in they good old days of big point i can do it again if they need me!
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 27, 2021
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