[UIP] Make ignore permenant.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VulturePvM, Jul 29, 2022.

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  1. VulturePvM

    VulturePvM User

    When we ignore and blacklist someone it should be permenant.

    Yeah we can close the chat.
    Yeah we can ignore them
    Yeah we can completely turn off the chat
    Yeah we can report them(does nothing)

    At least give us the option to ignore them in a way we dont have to dedicate time everytime we login to the person that is harassing us.

    Basically your letting the harassment continue even after the harassment happens. We have to think about their harassment everytime we login and have to ignore them over and over again.

    Your at home minding your own business and someone knocks on your door, tells you they are going to kill you and the cops tell you to call them the next time it happens. It proceeds to happen 30 more times and everytime they tell you the same thing. Now they call you and the cops tell you just to hang up the phone. Don't answer it if you don't want to hear it. Now imagine you you block the phone number calling you. But it only lasts a few hours.

    FIX IT, it's wrong.

    And now imagine they are using alternate phone numbers to call you on.

    Someone should not have to type out a whole string of ignores everytime they login to avoid harassment
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 30, 2022
    TermiteFan and Ðįmáŋ1993 like this.
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