[UIP] Mission List

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Firaxia, Jun 7, 2022.

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  1. Firaxia

    Firaxia User

    Could we have the option to decline missions please? I'm on the PVE server and I have a list of R-zone missions I have to wade through before I get to the ones I do want to do. It would be great to be able to decline, or at least hide, unwanted missions. Thanks.
    Bibulus and PacificNW like this.
  2. These quests do not affect the others in any way.
  3. Firaxia

    Firaxia User

    I'm not sure what your point is. There are certain missions I don't want to do so I'd like the option to decline or hide them, rather than have to keep skipping past them to get to the ones I do want.
    Rocker-will and jayherbo like this.
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