[UIP] Scotland ship design

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ǦЯЏЙǦЭ™[MΣDF], Jun 21, 2021.

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  1. Hi everyone sorry if this is in the wrong place on the forum but after a quick look I don't have sufficient privilege's to post in the game's feed back section.

    My thread is about the lack of a Scottish ship design, now I know, Scotland have a terrible track record in qualifying for tournaments and what not, but recently all this changed, Scotland has now qualified for group stages in the Euro's so is there plans in the works to gives Scottish people like me that pay just as much as anyone else and put the time in their own ship? I think rather than make it about 'who qualifies' for a tournament make it about just giving people no matter where they are from the chance to wear their country's ship design anywhere.

    Truthfully I love the concept, I'd love to see multiple different designs I mean take England for example you could do the three lions design to go with the already existent St George's cross , or in Scotland's case the Lion Rampant and the St Andrews cross or 'saltire'. sounds silly to some but as a Scottish person it does alienate me a bit. I wouldn't grudge any country in the world their flag on a ship on here or anywhere for that matter. or even gives us a Tartan design, us Scots' and Irish would love that. at the very least though a St Andrew's cross is well and truly long overdue.
  2. if so fix a few up for greeces to yes it will be nice all ship and design :)
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