[UIP] The Old Becomes The New

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by IcarusFromGE5, Aug 8, 2021.

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  1. As a relatively old player I find myself agreeing with other older players on what DarkOrbit really needs to be the game it once was, and most of our agreements come from what they did well back then that could really work out well if mixed with the new things.

    Some ideas come from being able to separate elite players from newer players, that more often than not get scared from a Centurion popping out of cloack and giving them a 200.000 damage shot, preventing them to get a grip on what the game is really about.

    Being a newer player in most games mean getting paired or playing with/against same level players, well, in DarkOrbit this can be a little tricky, even impossible at times, but it doesn't mean that there shouldn't be times where elite players are left to do what they do better and newer players get a chance to get to elite level.

    Events are a great way of achieving this, however, in my opinion and in of those who I debate with, they don't reach their full potential.

    Let's start with PvP events, like TDM, Capture The Beacon or the old Jackpot Arena. These 3 allow (or allowed) elite players to unleash what they trained for for months, getting a worthy reward in the end (JPA I mean), meanwhile newer players can't get to these events for a very obvious reason, and that's OK as long and they have times too when they can compete to achieve Elite status.

    A good way of getting PvP events to work better and be somewhat memorable is to give ammunition, titles, designs, boosters... all of this would go to making these events at least worthy to enter, we don't need UBA that gives 1000 UCB, that's quite literally mocking the community that tried to make UBA feel like JPA.

    Some other change that could drastically improve the game's experience that connects with the PvP topic is making the Ranking system a "ships destroyed per trimester" type of system, this not only would be able to reward the better fighting players, giving the General rank the actual best fighter/player in the company, followed by all the others, it would as well prevent Third-party program users from keep using it as it would mean easy kills, that means easier ranking to the enemy

    Going to PvE events, there are lots of things that could be done to evolve those. Let's take DemaneR event as an example. Why not make 2 DemaneRs spawn, one in lower maps and one in higher maps, so newbies can shoot the lower one and veteran players can shoot the other, making it level based so highs can't get rewarded for stealing the little one's profit? Giving, of course, rewards as acordingly, for example, lvl 2 pet protocols or lf4 weapons to the few who deal good damage to that NPC, while higher ups get those big lvl 4 protocols. Make them PvP immune to those who are inside that range of attack of the NPC so a full lf4 players don't get decimated by a full prometheus player while contesting the same event rewards, some of which the elite player don't need anymore.

    In case it's not obvious by now, my point is that PvP events should be rewarding enough so that elites don't have the desperate need to ruin everyone's PvE event with kills, leaving the newer ones to starve and stress the inopportunity of becoming good players.

    This is the opening thread of all the ideas I have to share with the community, this one being not that concrete for that reason, while I want to go in-depth on some of the issues stated above, first I want to hear what you all have to say about the current state of the game and your concerns, hoping to finally reach the BigPoint's team that can make change happen.

    With all this said feel free to tell what you think

    PS: Voting was turned back on [REMOVED - Polls are not permitted here]
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 10, 2021
    BraveHeart´[G] and AVIT like this.
  2. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Would you rob a house if there was a policeman standing outside of it ? .i think not !

    A deterrent like that would help sort and put off many people from cheating .

    I get tired of playing the game and putting online time in to get a better ship and rank while knowing and seeing the afk people on maps not even actually being at there keyboard .as i see them as stealing my time .

    Time bigpoint took it seriously and not just bug users that steal cash from bigpoints pockets..how about our pockets bigpoint too please ! .

    please at least try to and be seen trying to get rid of cheating people . then i think the community could offer suggestions to make it a good game again for veterans and newbies

    Thank you for creating this thread .

    i play gb1 /ge5 server
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
    IcarusFromGE5 likes this.


    Punish cheaters, and then merge the servers. The cheating has ruined the game and why people played the game.

    Global Europe
    ID 166913057
    IcarusFromGE5 and AVIT like this.
  4. I can't vote ?

    Edit: since I can't vote, I am voting here with number 3 (No, I'm not happy with the state of the game and I think that might help).
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
  5. The best way to vote is to put your opinion. Me I agree with what was said, given that, I stopped doing the PVP thing when I switched to the Global (PVE) server, and I don't get into the PVP mix. If your a newer player, playing the game as is means you stay at the bottom, unless you pump in tons of money. I play for the fun, and if it takes tons of money to have fun, its best to play a different strategy. The issue is also on the Global server, so when you constantly have to contend with someone getting the NPC first while on auto, you can't have fun.
    PacificNW and IcarusFromGE5 like this.
  6. I kinda see why they allowed players to play without being at the keyboard, take one of my accounts for instance.
    Was a top player spun many gates did many event's and found my account to have hundreds of million of x2 and x3 ammo just cause i played legit and was only allowed so much sep for my lasers so i always used x4 as i had plenty, so i asked support to come out with a craft to allow the trade of lower unwanted ammo as we are forced to purchase it through gate spins from our bought currency.
    Unfortunately it backfired for me as i refuse to cheat so when i got tired of having to spend my life on the game and spend more money than i was comfortable with i chose to just quit, kinda sucks though as i spent thousands to build my account now the game has forced me to quit.
  7. I don't know what happened I didn't put a limit on the vote count and didn't turn it off... but comment on what you think that helps too

    Exactly, other than creating anti-cheats BP can make ways to stop encouraging afk collecting behavior, like what i said above, it doesn't necessarily need to be banning, just make it not worth to do

    I agree, once I was part of a big clan from my country and all of them suddenly stopped playing because they were tired of unfair advantages and not feeling the time they put onto the game was worth it anymore, it HAS to stop, as soon as possible

    That's a way of getting around the issue, surely, but I don't think we should have fast fixes instead of smart ones. The game has so much potential but it's all being wasted with who's controlling it. It doesn't take much to come up with ideas like these, and I doubt it takes more resources to improve old events rather than making new ones while injecting more unbalanced content into the game
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 10, 2021
    SLURRDEST and AVIT like this.
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