Unable to buy..need help

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -vinit-, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. -vinit-

    -vinit- User

    Hello evry1,
    Recently hv been tryin to buy things from shop bt unable to buy anything though i hv sufficient funds..Wl b thankful if anyone can help.
  2. Are you getting an error message or anything? Do you maybe have max laser ammo and/or rockets on your ship? When you are maxed out in ammo, the quantities in shop are grayed out and you cant buy any more.
  3. -vinit-

    -vinit- User

    no its not only the ammo..its each and evrything dt im unable to buy...
  4. -vinit-

    -vinit- User

    n my lab CPU doesnt work though its equipped in both the configs..some1 pls do help me on both these issues..I'd really b thankful..
  5. Well at the risk of sounding like a broken record and using the age old standard DO response, have you cleared cache, updated flash player, restarted? If that's not the problem, I'm at a loss.
  6. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    With all the different issue you are seeing, I would also suggest the standard response, Check for the latest updates for java and flash, clear cache and flash cache. Then try other browsers.
  7. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello -vinit-

    Thankyou for your answers čøƒƒĭn and -Pacman2-.

    If this is still an issue, please post back with your User ID and server, and we can investigate further.