Unify camouflage CPU

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by cristian_asanabria, Mar 22, 2024.

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  1. When you have two or more camouflage CPUs containing let's say; 10 camouflages (1st CPU), 20 camouflages (2nd CPU) and another 20 camouflages (3rd CPU); The ideal would be to be able to drag or unify them on a single CPU until completing the 50 camouflages of a normal CPU.
  2. Polls not allowed in update&idea pool just to let you know.
    Honestly sounds like an unnecessary cpu, would be better to have an assembly recipe to combine 10x cloaks and 50x cloaks to bigger ones. Or even bring out an permanent one that has high cooldown after it has been deactivated like 1h